Against the peaceful landscape, the pale, decaying tints of the copses, the blue air of the horizon, and the lichened stile-boards, these staring vermilion words shone forth. 映衬着宁静的风景、矮树林灰白的枯黄色调、天边的蔚蓝色空气和长满苔藓的栅栏木板,那些鲜红的大字闪闪发光。
Everything on this snug property was bright, thriving, and well kept; acres of glass houses stretched down the inclines to the copses at their feet. 在这块幽静舒适的地产上,一切都是光明的,兴旺的,管理得井井有条;占地几英亩的温室从山坡上延伸下去,一直到了山脚下的萌生林那儿。
Even now, traces of its earlier condition are to be found in the old oak copses and irregular belts of timber that yet survive upon its slopes, and the hollow-trunked trees that shade so many of its pastures. 即使到了现在,从山坡上残存下来的古老的橡树林和错落不齐的树林带上,从为牧场遮荫的许多空心树上,都找得到当年情形的痕迹。
It was like saying: There are no forests, only trees and copses. 这好比说世上没有森林,只有乔木和灌木。
The road was flanked with fields and copses. 道路的两旁是田野和矮树林。
At a stroke the little woods and copses became a cacophony: a musical celebration of the instantaneous horniness of the turning year. 小树林和灌木丛里一下子充满了各式各样的声音:用音乐庆祝突如其来的季节更迭。
In the foreground lay golden fields and copses glittering in the sun. 金黄色的田野和小树林在近处闪闪发亮。