A female animal that has not copulated. 没有经过交配的雌性动物。
The female, chiru distributed in southern Kunlun Mountains bore the young in north from summer to early autumn, and copulated and inhabited in south in other seasons. Thus there were two migrations between two sites. 提出雌藏羚的迁移是以昆仑山为中心,分布在昆仑山南面的雌藏羚夏季至秋初在北方产仔,其它季节在南方交配栖息,因此两地间存在往返迁移。
The female and male adults may copulate for many times in their lives. 8 ∶ 00 and 16 ∶ 00 everyday are the time of copulated peak. 雌、雄成虫一生可多次交尾,每天8时和16时为交尾高峰。
An observation and study of testicular histology in hybrid bull copulated by yak and cattle 牦牛和普通牛种间杂种公牛睾丸的组织学观测与研究
After 60 days, they were copulated to healthy male rats for three day and delivered naturally. 隔日染毒60天后,与未染毒的雄性成年大鼠交配三天。自然分娩。
The female crabs that had copulated with male crabs were catched from the coastal waters of South Fujian and cultured in indoor pond for spitting and hatching. 取闽南地区沿岸水域渔获的并经短期池塘蓄养的已交配雌蟹为亲体,在室内水泥池中饲育,使之抱卵、孵化。
Newly emerged males copulated, inside the host egg, with the females which had just completed their eclosion with wings unexpanded or had still been enclosed by the pupal cases. 雄蜂羽化后,在寄主卵内即与刚脱下蛹包膜、尚未展翅的雌蜂,或发育后期的雌蛹交尾。