Alec blotted his copybook — got sent home for bad behaviour. 亚历克因为行为恶劣被遣回了家,一下子名声扫地。
I can't have you blotting your copybook having punch-ups with students. 我不能让你跟学生们殴斗而败坏你自己的名声。
The fiscal strategy of a direct stimulus to the economy is straight out of the Keynesian copybook. 直接刺激经济的财政战略完全是凯恩斯主义的翻版。
The pilot made a copybook landing. 飞行员完成了一次精确完美的着陆。
Teaching calligraphy is much more than giving the students a copybook. 书法教学并不是象一些人想象的那么简单,给学生一本字帖就万事大吉了。
She was the teacher's favourite pupil until she blotted her copybook by failing all her examinations. 在她每科考试都不及格而自毁名声之前,她一直是老师最喜欢的学生。
This study has four a copybook for calligraphy: Writing Junkai scribe line will be three body three will be appointed will Writing zero auspicious calligraphic works. 学这本字帖有四得:会写楷隶行三体三得,会写吉祥语书法作品一得。
Copybook ( excl. exercise books) 习字册,描薄(不包括练习簿)
He made a huge blot on his copybook. 他在练习册上弄了一个大的污渍。
He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy. 他练书法时临摹的字帖都是繁体。
He was a good accountant before he blotted his copybook by stealing some money. 他原是个好会计,后来因偷窃现金而断送了自己的前程。
It was a copybook operation by the police. 警方的这一行动非常出色。
The model tool made by EXCEL, like chinese copybook. 这个模版是用EXCEL做成的,比较像中国的字帖。
Conventional calligraphic teaching only emphasizes copy from model of copybook, neglects aesthetic quality cultivation of "aperture" and "brain" aspect; 传统书法教学片面强调手的临写功夫,忽视眼和脑方面审美素质的培养;
Copybook ── Studying the Working Models of Ancient Painters through the Frescoes in the Liao Tombs in XuanHua 粉本&从宣化辽墓壁画看古代画工的工作模式