"I'll knock you down if you try to bind me," said Corm. 如果你想缚我,我就把你打倒在地。科林说。
The article is based on the test for feeding swine with "corn fermented bran" instead of wheat bram and corn, and the fermented material is corm starch residue. 以玉米淀粉渣发酵而成的“玉米酵麸”替代麦麸、玉米等进行肉猪饲喂试验。
Here's some grass. Here's some corm. 给一些草。给一些球茎。
The corm's position in the soil is often maintained with the aid of contractile roots. 在收缩根的帮助下球茎可以在土壤中保持一定的位置。
The result indicated that the growth of root system of Cyclamen persicum was evidently enhanced and increased top diameter and corm scale by way of complex substrate. 结果表明,复合基质显著促进了仙客来根系的生长,增加了冠径和球茎大小。
A cigar with square-cut ends. plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber. 雪茄一种方头的雪茄烟接球茎、根茎或块茎的植物。
These pathogenic characteristics that could cause corm tissue to bring browning reaction, lignose of cell wall to increase, and faecula granule to decrease, were also observed by using tissue sectioning. 用组织切片法观察发现病菌能使香蕉苗球茎组织产生褐变,引起细胞壁木质素增加及淀粉颗粒减少。
Plant growing from a bulb or corm or rhizome or tuber. 接球茎、根茎或块茎的植物。
Results indicated that the new Gladiolus corm began to form during sprouting and grew rapidly after flowering; 结果表明:唐菖蒲新种球在抽葶期时开始形成,盛花期以后新种球迅速生长;
Less scourge-like caudex differentiation makes accumulation of corm material more efficient. 少鞭状茎分化可减少球茎物质分流,使积累更加有效;
Lilium is currently one of the most important bouquets of corm varieties on the Chinese floral market. 百合是我国目前花卉市场重要的球根切花品种之一。
The growth rate of seed shoots is higher than corm shoots. 生长过程中,种子繁殖苗的生长速率大于球茎繁殖苗。
A study on the development anatomy of the corm of Crocus sativus 番红花球茎发育解剖学研究
The average weigth of the corm was the biggest under blue light; 蓝光下培养的球茎平均重量最大;
The addition of AC decreased the concentration of free hormones and the time of corm development significantly, while the slow release of hormones raised corm size. 培养基中添加活性炭后,由于活性炭的吸附作用降低了游离激素水平,显著缩短了球茎诱导时间,后期激素的缓慢释放提高了球茎质量。
Study on occurrence and chemical control of saffron corm rot in Shanghai suburbs 沪郊西红花球茎腐烂病害的发生和药剂防治
Effect of planting date on flower quality and corm propagation of Gladiolus hybridus 唐菖蒲不同播种期对切花质量和种球繁殖的影响
, growing period, cold hardiness, scourge-like caudex differentiation, corm weight increase, and so on. 还有其它的性状变化,如生长期、根系、鞭状茎分化、耐寒性,球茎增重和产量等。
Shrink packaging Generally, a thick contractile root grew on the base of the new corm. 在新球茎基部通常产生一条粗壮的收缩根。
Establishment of a high frequency regeneration system of Gladiolus corm buds 唐菖蒲球茎芽高频再生体系的建立
Study on the relationship between growth dynamics and corm yield of taro 芋头生长动态与球茎产量关系的研究
According to plant morphology herbaceous and woody plants were divided. edible parts have leaf, root, stem tuber, bulb, corm bamboo shoot, flower, tender pod and seed. 食用部位有叶、块根、块茎、鳞茎、球茎、根茎叶、笋、花、果和嫩荚种子。
Orchid mycorrhizal fungi, which offer nutrition for orchids and promote its growth, can form symbionts with orchidaceous seed, corm and nutritional root. 兰科植物菌根真菌可在兰科植物的种子、原球茎和营养根内共尘,能够为兰科植物提供其所需的营养,促进兰科植物的生长发育。
This paper deals with the relationship between growth dynamics and corm yield utilizing 10 taro strains. 利用10个品种研究了芋头生长动态与球茎产量的关系。
The experiments and practices of many years have demonstrated that the internal cause of saffron's atrophy and rottenness is the corm's lack of moisture and the external cause is the higher temperature and lower humidity. 通过多年的生产实践和观察,论证了番红花萎花烂花的内在原因是球茎水分缺失,外在原因是温度偏高和湿度偏低。
Alternating temperatures accelerated corm dormancy releasing, but there was obvious difference between the two cultivars. 变温处理加速球茎休眠的解除,但品种间有较大差异。
Following the development of the corm, starch was accumulated progressively. 随着天麻球茎的生长发育,逐渐积累淀粉。
Freesia refracta 'Xiangmei' is corm flower and a kind of excellent ornamental plant. 小苍兰品种‘香玫’是鸢尾科香雪兰属球根花卉,是一种优良的观赏植物。
In vitro corm formation was not affected by light periods but greatly influenced by culture temperature. Cultured in 22 ℃, the percentage of corm formation, mean number of corms and mean corm fresh weight reached their maximum. 光周期对试管球茎的发生影响不明显,而培养温度的影响则较大,22℃条件下,花魔芋和白魔芋试管球茎形成率、形成个数和单球茎鲜重均达最大值。
As for A. rivieri, lower concentration ( 4%) was required for corm formation. 而花魔芋试管球茎形成所要求的蔗糖浓度较低(4%)。