Especially in recent years, coronene and its deviations are found that they were suitable candidates of organic fluorescence materials to make Ultraviolet Charge Coupled Devices ( UV-CCD). 特别是近年来人们发现晕苯及其衍生物是制作UltravioletChargeCoupledDevices(UV-CCD)的优良的有机荧光材料。
As an important fluorescence material, coronene and its deviations had attracted much attention. 作为一种重要的荧光材料,晕苯及其衍生物的研究一直倍受人们的关注。
The ratio of coronene to phenanthrene suggests two episodes of high temperature event during the P-Tr transition which may relate to the coeval volcanic activity. 晕苯/菲的比值表明,二叠纪-三叠纪之交出现了两幕高温热事件,可能与这时期的火山活动有关。