Taking the introduction of Beijing Qianmen railway station and the f inality of old Pennsylvanian railway station, this paper expatiates the connection between transportation building and urban landscape from the aspects of corporality and humanism. 本文以北京前门火车站的近况为引子,以宾夕法尼亚老火车站的相关资料为结尾,阐述了交通建筑在物质性和人文性方面与城市景观的关系。
Configuration Topological Transformation of a Self-Reconfigurable Robot Hand Corporality is the base of natural and artificial forms. 一种自重构机器人手抓取构形的拓扑转换自然形态和人工形态的构成基础是形态的物质性。
Corporality is the base of natural and artificial forms. 自然形态和人工形态的构成基础是形态的物质性。
Koolhaas's architectures have mature experiences on corporality and language. Koolhaas exerted himself to creat pure architecture, and his works had made clear commentary for classical modernism. 库哈斯的建筑在物质性和语境方面有着成熟的经验,库哈斯着力创造纯粹的建筑,他的作品为经典的现代主义做了清晰的注释。
Actual infection which causticity of reaction outflow, corporality of multiphase, operation conditions and flow status erosion destroy was opened out by quantitative analyse relation between liquid flow and erosion, opened out; 通过对流体流动与腐蚀的定量分析,揭示了反应流出物的腐蚀性、多相流物性、多种工况及流动特性对冲蚀破坏的实际影响;
The paper analyses the information of material property based on analyzing the fact, illuminates the corporality information of material property 、 catholicity information of material property 、 dualism of information of material property; and discusses the objective reality of virtual reality. 在透析事实的基础上对信息的物质属性进行分析,阐明了信息的物质性、普遍性及双重性,并讨论了虚拟现实的客观实在性。
Leading consumer motivations include comprehensive pattern and corporality. 消费动机以综合型的动机和物质性动机为主;精神性动机相对较低。
Heidegger refused to understand spatiality with the concept of corporality, and considered that we cannot elucidate spatiality essentially with corporality, but rather, spatiality can be elucidated essentially only through the original and foundational structure of In-der-Welt-sein. 海德格尔否定了通过身体性来理解空间性的进路,认为身体性并不能从本质上阐明空间性,空间性唯有透过在世界中存在(In-der-Welt-sein)这一源基性结构才能得到本质上的说明。
The low corporality cost of inquisition by torture is based on the man's instinct trepidation towards sense of corporal pain. 刑讯逼供犯罪的物质性成本低,是因为其利用的是人对肉体痛感的本能恐惧;
Both civil law and administrative law cannot adjust this relationship. Thus, it can be concluded that economic law is the only choice for regularizing the problem for damage of public corporality production supplied by government. 因此,经济法是对政府供给公共物质性产品致害赔偿问题进行规制的不二选择。
At the present stage, research about damage problems of public corporality production which could be regulated is mainly in field of civil law, administrative law and economic law. 就目前而言,对公共物质性产品致害问题进行法律调整的研究主要出现在民法、行政法和经济法这三大部门法层面。
The Hangzhou feminine leisure overall presents three big basic characteristics, that is corporality, otherness and materiality. 杭州女性休闲总体上呈现出外向性、差异性、物质性三大基本特征。
Practice not only is an activity of corporality and mass but also includes spirit. 实践在此是涵盖精神在内活动,而不是单纯的物质性的群体活动。
Then, this paper analyzes the new demand of modern display: from static to dynamic, from corporality to incorporeity and from real to virtual. 接着本文分析了现代物品展示中的新需求:由静态到动态,由物质性到非物质性,从真实场景到虚拟场景。
The best advantage of state compensation liability system is to detach compensation liability of the damages inflicted by public corporality production from the meaningless dispute between civil compensation liability and state liability and to incorporate it into the scope of economic law. 这一制度最大的优点就是将公共物质性产品致害的赔偿责任从民事赔偿责任和国家赔偿责任之间无意义的争执漩涡中脱离出来而纳入经济法责任的范围。