There are many correspondences between the two plays. 这两个剧本有很多相似之处。
The library bought all the correspondences between the president and his wife. 图书馆购买了总统和他妻子之间的所有通信。
Nested in predicates, correspondences can be applied to build powerful filters based on the multiplicity of the relations. 嵌套于域声明中,通讯可用于建立基于关联多重性的强大的过滤器。
This mechanism is called correspondence and allows MTF to traverse a whole model by applying all the correspondences reachable ( directly or transitively) from the top-level relation. 这种机制称为通讯,它允许MTF通过把从顶级关联开始的所有通讯变为可到达的(直接或间接)横跨一个完整模型。
Every day of this month, in contrast, I received many times more spams than I did legitimate correspondences. 与此相对照,在这个月中的每一天,我所收到垃圾邮件的数目是合法邮件的很多倍。
RDL allows the definition and application of relations between classes, based on correspondences between structural features. 基于结构化特性之间的通讯,RDL允许类之间的关联的定义和应用。
It assumes that these models are described by compatible meta-models, in order to express these correspondences in a consistent way. 它假定为了使用一致性方式表达通讯,这些模型是用兼容的通用模型描述的。
The session keys generated during this authentication exchange can be used for all the future correspondences among client/ server and KDC. 在此身份验证信息交换过程中生成的会话密钥可用于客户端/服务器与KDC之间的所有未来通信。
Whitelist/ verification filters are likely to require extra efforts to deal with mailing-list signups, online purchases, Web site registrations, and other "robot correspondences". “白名单”/验证过滤器可能需要额外花精力来处理邮件列表注册、在线购买、网站注册以及其它“自动通信”。
However, you will see in the next steps that some correspondences can also be applied between classes linked with simple associations. 尽管如此,在下一步骤中你将看到,有些通讯还可以用于由简单关联联系起来的类。
You probably prefer to define the correspondences at a class-level rather than for each of the instances. 你可能偏向于在类的级别上定义通讯,而不是为每一个实例定义。
Although it is concise, the RDL language allows you to express a number of essential concepts used in model transformation ( for example, correspondences, expressions, and conditions). RDL语言尽管很简洁,却使你能够表达很多模型转换中使用的关键概念(比如,通讯,表达式,以及条件)。
This analogical learning process can be interactive when the user suggests useful domains and correspondences. 当使用者在暗示有用的域和联系时,这个类比学习过程可能成为互动的。
In an alphabetic language, such a means is afforded by knowledge of the letter-sound correspondences of the language, or what we call its orthographic cipher. 就字母文字而言,表音密码所涉及的是字母与声音之间的对应关系,或者我们称之为它的表音密码。
To understand general English conversation or discussion and read public notices, posters, official correspondences as well as ordinary newspaper articles and books. 能够听懂英语的一般性谈话或讨论。读懂公共通知、招贴、公务信函、以及普通性的报刊文章和书籍。
The conclusion is correspondences of radicals showed facilitate effect on radical naming, but inhibitory effect on character naming depending on the number of components in and frequency of the radical. 说明是声旁规则性对声旁命名有易化作用;对整字命名有干扰作用,但与声旁频率与部件数有关。
The relevant correspondences between THE CONTRACTOR and THE OWNER before contract signature and during contract execution period also have binding force on both parties. 在合同签署前以及合同执行期间,承包商和业主之间的相关通信对双方同样具有约束力。
Unlike other exhibitions of its kind, many works are personal correspondences, travel notes, opinions on historical issues and excerpts from Chinese classics. 与同类展览不同的是,这次的展品涵盖了私人信件、旅行游记、对历史事件的看法以及中国古典文学作品节选等丰富的内容。
A subpixel matching algorithm for curve correspondences from images is presented. 提出了一种基于多幅图像的同名曲线亚像素匹配算法。
In practice, this would take the form of concrete situations with correspondences to the current situation, from which the user could draw new insights and predictions. 在实际中,这会是以一种和当前情况存在联系的具体实例形式,从中使用者可以获得新想看法和预测。
In a data base, the establishing of the correspondences between a given logical structure and a given physical structure. 在数据库中,给定逻辑结构与给定物理结构之间建立对应关系。
An Extended Orthogonal Iteration Algorithm for Pose Estimation from Point and Line Segment Correspondences 基于点和直线段对应的扩展正交迭代位姿估计算法
Discussion of Geochemistry Specialty Construction from the Perspective of Three Correspondences 从三个符合度谈地球化学专业建设
Depending on the radical-sound relationship, three dimensions of consistency in radical-sound correspondences may be defined. 依靠部件与发音关系,可以界定「部件、发音」对应上一致性的三个向度。
These are all the lead-in numeral correspondences of the normal regulations hard solve of. 这些都是常规的无线数字通信难以解决的。
The present research has been focused on the employment of vague language in English business correspondence through a qualitative approach with eighteen English business correspondences collected. 文章在介绍了模糊语言的前提下,通过详细的举例,着重探讨了模糊语言在国际商务英语中的语用功能。
Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth. 其实,它们是与地球更新和重塑自己的能力相对应的,某种意义上成为新地球的DNA模板和蓝图。
A Prove about Character Correspondences and The Exchange of Operator Group under Group Action 关于群作用下的特征标对应与算子群的交换性的一个证明
Establishes the suitable accounting basis, not only establishes accounting systems premise, and has the important meaning regarding the establishment with it correspondences budget system. 确立适当的会计基础,不仅是建立会计制度的前提,而且对于建立与之对应的预算制度具有重要意义。
In camera calibration with line correspondences, it is important to determine the rank of the coefficient matrix of the equation system in a quick and efficient way. 探讨在利用对应直线进行摄像机外部参数校正的过程中,如何快速简便地确定齐次方程组系数矩阵秩的问题。