Cory levy, a University of Illinois student and co-founder of one, found that out for himself in 2010. 伊利诺伊大学(UniversityofIllinois)学生、应用程序One的联合创始人科里•利维就曾在2010年亲身体会过这种人生地不熟的窘境。
Like most Filipinos, they believed the recent elections had been arranged by Marcos, denying Cory Aquino her rightful place as the new president of the Philippines. 和大多数菲律宾人一样,他们认为近期的选举早已由马科斯刻意安排,不会让科丽阿基诺取得成为菲律宾新总统的应得位置。
But slowly, steadily, with the support of caregivers like his dad Craig, and the community around him, Cory has grown stronger. 但慢慢地,稳定地,在像他的爸爸克雷格和他周边社区的照料者的帮助下,科里越来越健康了。
Cory Monteith, may your spirit be at peace, and may you fly with the angels* Heartbreaking, my prayers are with all of his loved ones! 科里蒙蒂思,愿你的灵魂安息,愿你同天使一起飞翔在蓝天我心碎了,为所有他爱的人祈祷!
Cory is here tonight. 瑞斯堡今晚就在现场。
My fellow Americans, men and women like Cory remind us that America has never come easy. 同胞们,像瑞斯堡这样的男人和女人提醒我们美国的今日来之不易。
Many of the original stars including Lea Michele, Chris Colfer and Cory Monteith had graduated at the end of Season 3. 该剧很多演员包括LeaMichele、ChrisColfer和CoryMonteith都已经在第三季结尾的时候毕业了。
Besides being CEO of the cookie company, Cory is also an actor and model and has been featured in campaigns for Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger. 除了担任饼干公司的首席执行干,科里还是一位演员兼模特,在国际著名服装品牌拉夫劳伦和汤米希尔费格的时尚活动中拍过特写。
Cory writes on his website that he first came up with the idea to start a business when he and his mother moved to New Jersey from New York City in 2009, and he decided they needed a car. 科里在他的网页上说,他最初产生创业的想法是在2009年,他和母亲从纽约迁居到新泽西的时候。他决定他要为家里买一辆车。
But, I'm certain this is not the last we'll see of Cory or Marvin. 但是,我们相信这不会是我们最后一次见到Cory和Marvin。
Cory laughed in agreement. Me too. 柯瑞笑出声来,表示赞同:我也是。
Cory said, Why do you think they changed? 柯瑞说:是什么使得他们改变了呢?
Senator Cory Gardner expressed opposition to raising money through new taxes. 参议员加德纳表示,反对通过增税筹集资金。
I don't, Cory said. Some people never change and they pay a price for it. 我认为不会,柯瑞说:有的人绝对不肯改变,并为此付出了代价。
Maggie, I'm not worried about you and Cory, or me and Cory, or you being irreversibly screwed up. 麦琦,我不是担心你和考力或是我和考力或是你错得怎么不可收拾。
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night. 我们的理查德•科里,披着夏夜的月影。
Mayor Cory Booker says he had nothing to say to the surrendering suspect. 市长科尔伯克表示他对疑犯的自首无可奉告。
Canadian science fiction author Cory Doctorow rates it as the finest in the world. 正在加拿大科幻作家科里·多克托罗眼中,这家小书店“举世无双”。
What if Cory doesn't call you tonight? 如果克瑞今晚没打电话给你呢?
And bass player Cory Murchy says it has been more fun than the group expected. 贝斯克里·摩奇说比乐队预期的要有趣得多。
A strange object that was floating in the sky caught Cory's eye. 一个飘浮在空中的奇怪物体引起了柯瑞的注意。
Cory: I'm not trying to be critical. I'm just pointing out that you look like a wimp. It's better I tell you now than that you go to school looking like that. 柯瑞:我不是要挑你毛病,我只是告诉你你看起来很「娘」,现在告诉你总比让你以那付德行到学校来得好。
"Tragedy" is a song that I wrote with Cory Rooney for Marc Anthony. 《悲剧》这首歌是我和考瑞·洛尼为马克·安东尼创作的。
Cory can't bring herself to throw out Tracy's best-loved pair of blue jeans. Cory舍不得扔掉Tracy最喜爱的牛仔裤。
Do you think I flirt with Cory? 你认为我和考力调情?
Creative Commons founder, Lawrence Lessing, Brazil's Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil and pop culture critic Cory Doctorow are also along for the ride. 知识共享的创始人劳伦斯·莱斯格,巴西文化部长吉尔伯托·吉尔和大众文化的批评家科利·多克托罗就此问题同时参与到影片的探讨中。
Cory: have you checked in your rear-view mirror? 科丽:你有没有看后视镜?
I didn't get back in the car with cory. 我没和cory一起回到车里。
We think we've assembled a lineup of speakers that are great examples for our community to follow, ranging from masters like Fred George to journeymen like Cory Foy. 我们认为我们已经召集了一个强大的发言者阵容,既涵盖了像FredGeorge这样的大师级专家,也包括像CoryFoy这样技艺纯熟的人,他们都是我们社区学习的榜样。