The moisture measurement of undissolved solid, grease and gas is studied based on the principle of Karl-Fishcher coulometry, which cannot be conducted directly by CA-06 moisture equipment. 组建了固体、油品及气体水分检测系统,试验验证检测结果准确、可信,使CA-06水分测定仪应用范围得以拓宽。
Controlled-current coulometry Thus the calculation of the circuits is simplified. 受控电流库仑分析法指出只要满足等效变换条件,受控源的控制量照样可以进行变换,从而简化了电路的计算。
It was studied that the graphite-based lead dioxide anode which had been electrochemically activated was used to electrogenerate trivalent cobalt ion by means of coulometry at ambient temperature. 以库仑分析法为研究手段,考察了在室温下经电化学活化的石墨基二氧化铅阳极电生三价钴的条件及其应用。
Improvement in the Oxygen Measurement Precision by Pulsed Coulometry from Tantalum Wires 提高脉冲库仑法钽丝中氧检测精度的研究
This paper discusses in detail that coulometry quickly measures chemical oxygen demand of low polluted domestic sewage of the school and high polluted industrial sewage. 本文详细论述了库仑法快速测定低污染的校区生活污水和高污染的工业污水中的化学耗氧量。
Based on literature, applications of electrochemical analysis methods, including coulometry, polarography and high performance capillary electrophoresis, in the determination of flavoniods are described to offer reference to the research, development and application of flavonoid compounds. 摘要在查阅文献的基础上,介绍了黄酮含量的电化学测定方法,包括库仑滴定法、极谱法、高效毛细管电泳等,旨在为黄酮类化合物的研究、开发、应用提供参考。
The voltammetric behavior and oxidation mechanism of loperamide were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and coulometry at a multi-wall carbon nanotube paste electrode ( MCNT-PE). 用循环伏安法和控制电位库仑法研究了洛哌丁胺在多壁碳纳米管碳糊电极(MCNT-PE)上的伏安行为及反应机理。
Moisture measurement in silicone by using Coulometry; 已烷中微量水的测定采用微库仑法。
Study on Conjugate Reduction Reaction of Platinum and Palladium in the Titrations of Au-Pt, Au-Pd and their Mixture with Coulometry 金铂、金钯及其混合物滴定时铂和钯共轭还原反应的库仑法研究
Determination of micro content cabon element in catalytic cracking catalyst by coulometry The Magnetization Curve of Ferromagnetic Material Measuring Automatically by Microcomputer 库仑法测定催化裂化催化剂中的微量碳微机自动测量铁磁物质的磁化曲线
Operation Realization of SO_3 Content in Coal Ash Measurement by using CLS-1 Type 2 Coulometry 用CLS-1、2型库仑法测定煤灰成分中SO3操作的体会
Determination of the dissolved inorganic carbon in the natural water by non-aqueous coulometry 非水库仑滴定法测定天然水体中溶解的无机碳
The electrochemical behavior of sivelestat sodium hydrate was studied by cyclic voltammetry, linear scanning voltammetry and bulk electrolysis with coulometry. 应用循环伏安法(CV)、线性扫描伏安法(LSV)、控制电位电解库仑法(BE)对西维来司他的电化学行为进行了研究。
Determination of trace water in SF_6 by karl fischer coulometry 卡尔费休库仑法测定六氟化硫中痕量水
Researches on Reduction of Sulfur in Organic Medium by Controlled Potential Coulometry 恒电位库仑法研究硫在有机溶剂中的还原过程
The electrochemical behavior of 6 Mercaptopurine self assembled monolayer on a gold electrode has been investigated using cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry and coulometry. 采用循环伏安法、微分脉冲伏安法、计时库仑法研究了6-巯基嘌呤自组装膜的制备和电化学表征以及组装时间对6-巯基嘌呤自组装膜电化学行为的影响。
Determination of vinyl group in silicone rubber by coulometry 用库仑法分析硅橡胶中乙烯基的含量
Determination of moisture content with the Karl-Fischer coulometry for aldehyde samples 卡尔·费休库仑法测定醛类样品中的水分
In this paper, the mechanism of adsorptive complex wave was investigated by single sweep polarography, cyclic voltammetry, controlled potential coulometry and DC polarography, and it is concluded that four electrons are involved in the electrode reduction, and the amines are the final reduction products. 本文继续用循环伏安、直流极谱和库仑分析研究偶氮氯膦Ⅰ和它与镨(Ⅲ)络合物还原的电极过程,从而提出了稀土&偶氮氯膦Ⅰ极谱络合吸附波的机理。
The test methods for sulfur content analysis in atmosphere and in working circumstance are solution conductimetric titration, constant potential electrolysis, coulometry, infrared spectroscopy, interference of light, semi-conductor method, thermal conductivity as well as diaphragm electrode method etc. 对大气及工作环境中硫含量的检测方法有溶液导电法、定电位电解法、电量法、红外吸收法、光干涉法、半导体法、热导法以及隔膜电极法等。
Constant coulometry studied by pulse current 脉冲电流模拟恒电量法
The computer is used in the experimental control and data processing for bulk electrolysis with coulometry. 本工作将计算机用于恒电位电解库仑法的实验控制和数据处理中。
The electrochemical kinetics, which were studied by bulk electrolysis with coulometry, chronocoulometry and chronoamperometry, were used for the calculation of electron transfer number, electron transfer coefficient, diffusion coefficient and rate constant. 运用控制电位电解库仑法、计时库仑法、计时电流法研究了它们的电化学动力学规律,由电化学动力学测定并计算出了它们的电子转移数、电子转移系数、扩散系数、反应速率常数。
Computer-controlled bulk electrolysis with coulometry 计算机控制恒电位电解库仑法
A few of influence factors were introduced that is about the accuracy of SO 3 content in coal ash measurement by using CLS-1 type 2 coulometry. 介绍CLS-1、2型库仑法测定煤灰成分中SO的准确度的几个影响因素。
Determination of water content in solid powder and foam materials by coulometry 库仑法测定固体粉末和泡沫材料的水分
The constant current coulometry was established for determination of aromatic primary amine drugs. 用恒电流库仑法测定芳伯胺类药物含量。
Research of Continuous Analysis Water by Anodic Stripping Coulometry 阳极溶出库仑法水质连续分析的研究
Moisture Measurement Technology by Using Karl-Fischer Coulometry and Its Application Study 卡尔·费休库仑法水分测量技术及其应用研究
Precision determination of uranium in uranium oxide by constant-current coulometry 八氧化三铀中铀的精密测定&恒电流库仑滴定法