According to the experiences in ultrasonic wood defects detection, this paper analyzed and summarized the transducer's diameter, frequency and couplant used in wood ultrasonic detection. 根据超声波木材缺陷检测中的实践经验,主要针对探头的直径、频率以及耦合剂的使用方法对木材超声检测做了一定分析、研究和总结。
Discussed the couplant, solubilizer, process and other factors which affect the performance of glass fiber PP. 本文讨论了偶联剂、增容剂、加工工艺条件等因素对玻璃纤维增强PP性能的影响。
Study of Moisture Cure Urethane Modified by Siloxanes Couplant and Its Application in Rich Zinc Primer 硅烷偶联剂对湿固化聚氨酯的改性及在锌粉底漆中的作用
Refractive index of the couplant plays an important role for obtaining high light output. 耦合剂的折射率对得到高的光输出也起着非常重要的作用。
A new self-coupling method for ultrasonic testing has been brought up, with which the magnetic couplant can be hold by the magnetic transducers. 本文提出了一种新型超声耦合方法&自耦合方法,磁性耦合剂由磁性探头所吸附进行检测。
Effect of Lignin as Couplant Added in Rubber 木质素作为偶联剂在橡胶中的作用
This paper introduces the composition of raw materials 、 production process and formula, consumption of different basic materials and couplant, influence of under coating and construction on coating property. 介绍该涂料原材料构成、生产工艺及配方,以及不同基料、偶联剂用量、底涂料和涂料施工等因素对涂膜性能的影响。
The method achieves high accuracy measurement by removing the measuring error caused by the discreteness of the thickness of the couplant and change in temperature. 克服了耦合层厚度的离散以及温度变化造成的测量误差,大幅度提高了应力的测量精度。
At present, piezoelectric ultrasonic testing is the major technique of rail flaw detection, but it needs couplant. 现有的钢轨缺陷检测主要以压电超声检测为主,需要耦合剂,检测效率低。
At present, delivery inspection of thick aluminum alloy plates are commonly performed by piezo ultrasonic technique, which needs couplant during testing, thus efficiency and accuracy are influenced. 目前主要采用压电超声技术对铝合金厚板进行出厂检测,而压电超声在检测的过程中需要使用耦合剂,这对检测效率和检测精度都造成了影响。
FT-IR and 1H NMR reveal that EDC/ NHS couplant can graft palmitic acid to the amido of chitosan successfully. FT-IR和1HNMR分析表明EDC/NHS耦合交联剂成功地将棕榈酸分子接枝在了壳聚糖的氨基上。
Isophoronediamine ( IPDA) is an important compound of amines, it is mainly utilized as hardners for epoxy resins, crosslinking agent and couplant for polyurethane, and amine component for polyamide, having a promising application prospect. 异佛尔酮二胺(IPDA)是一种重要的胺类化合物,它主要用作环氧树脂的固化剂、聚氨酯的交联剂和耦合剂、聚酰胺的胺组分,具有广阔的应用前景。
Presently, bulk wave inspection is in low-efficiency, and traditional ultrasonic testing based on piezoelectric sensors applys in limited occasion due to its high dependence on the acoustic couplant. So research on electromagnetic ultrasonic guided wave inspection in metal plates is made in this paper. 目前常用的超声体波检测效率较低,而且传统的超声检测技术因对声耦合剂的依赖而受到限制,为此本文研究电磁超声导波检测技术在金属板材中的应用。