Rinse and slice the courgettes crosswise. 将西葫芦洗干净,斜着切成片。
While Nelson's Column is cleverly constructed from a cucumber, baby courgettes and a carrot with a monkey nut and almond stuck on to it. 纳尔逊纪念柱则用一根黄瓜、小胡瓜和一根胡萝卜巧妙塑成,上面还镶嵌有落花生和杏仁。
All those treasured memories, playing on loop on a7 "by6" glowing screen in the corner of the kitchen, so Dad can enjoy a sequence of bad haircuts and worse tuxedos while he chops courgettes. 这个电子相框可以放在厨房的一角,这样老爸就可以一边切菜一边看照片,回忆曾经的囧事。