A Few Problems Concerning the Presentation of Speech Acts in Basic English Coursebooks for Chinese College Students Majoring in English 我国高校英语专业精读教材中言语行为部分编写的几点不足
Application of Corpus Software to Analysis and Evaluation on College English Coursebooks 用语料库检索软件分析与评价大学英语教材
Flying Colours, like several other modern coursebooks, contains study advice or learner training aimed at encouraging learners'to develop positive strategies ', thus facilitating the learning process. 和其他几部现在教科书一样,《飞翔色彩》包含学习建议和意在鼓励初学者发展积极策略的培训,还加上促进学习过的过程。
Basic Frame To Evaluate Five-year-system HVE Coursebooks 五年制高职教育教材评估指标体系的基本架构
Evaluation of Business English Writing Coursebooks Based on McDonough& Shaw's Evaluation Theory 基于McDonough&Shaw评估理论的商务英语写作教材的研究
Formation of the war-supporting ideology& Japanese education and coursebooks of history 支持战争意识的形成&日本的现行教育与历史教科书问题
Principles and Implementation Strategies of the Second Development of Coursebooks 教材二次开发的原理及实施策略
Survey on and Analysis of Status Quo of the Pharmacology Coursebooks for Nursing Majors in Vocational Colleges 高职护理专业《药理学》教材现状调查分析
The Utilitarian Tendency of Ideological and Moral Textbooks Take Ideological and Moral Textbooks of "People Education Press" in Junior High School as an Example Mental health education and political coursebooks A comparative study of editions coursebooks by People ′ s Education Press and Jiangsu People ′ s Press 思想品德教科书的功利化倾向以人教社初中思想品德教材为例心理健康教育在思想品德教材中的体现人教版和苏人版思想品德教材的比较研究
Coursebooks should have a clear role as a support for learning. Like teachers, they mediate between the target language and the learner. 对于学习教材应该具有一个明确的作用。就像教师的角色调节目标语和学习者之间的关系一样。
The use of the new edition of College English Coursebooks, which serves as the embodiment of the reform of College English Teaching for the 21st century, has been a great concern in universities nationwide. 作为二十一世纪大学英语课程改革思想的载体,《大学英语》(全新版)系列教材的使用在全国高校引起了普遍的关注。
In this paper authors present their ideas about how to write coursebooks of physical experiment from three considerations. 本文就如何编写物理实验教材,从三方面谈了一下自己的作法。
Their major difference lies in the fact that Systemic Functional Grammar elevated the systemic concept, and enriched the theories of the evaluation of College English Coursebooks through its research concerning the symbol, function and register of language. 系统功能语法的变化主要表现在对系统概念的升格。系统功能语法从语言符号、功能作用、语域理论以及对话语的研究几个方面为大学英语教材的评价提供了重要的指导作用。
Coursebooks are carriers of the objectives and contents defined by the curriculum, and facilitating tools for teaching and learning to take place. 教材是体现课程目标和内容的重要载体,是教师教学和学生学习的工具之一。
Syllabus design is a very important part in coursebooks writing and evaluation. 大纲设计是教材编写和评估的一个重要组成部分。
Subsequent to the findings, the researcher pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of these coursebooks in grammar exercises design. 针对这一点,作者指出了这些教材在设计语法练习方面的优点和缺点,以便教师在教学中能够扬长避短,合理使用教材。
It is hoped that this study is of some value for future development of BE writing coursebooks. 希望本研究能为今后商务英语写作教材的建设提供一些参考和帮助。
With the reform of college English teaching, a variety of coursebooks are compiled and published in the market which are claimed to be in line with the National College Syllabus ( 1999). 随着大学英语教学的改革,市场上出版和发行了不少以《大学英语教学大纲》(修订版)为纲的大学英语教材。
The paper talks about the functions and use condition of coursebooks by means of an investigation of teachers and students in Yu Hong Middle School in Tianjin. 通过对天津市育红中学的学生和英语教师的调查,本文分析讨论了教材的功能和使用情况。
With the reform of courses on elementary education coming into practice and the development of foreign language teaching, more and more foreign language teaching coursebooks have come into the market. 随着《基础教育课程改革刚要(试行)》的实施和外语教学的发展,越来越多的外语教材涌入市场。
As one of these coursebooks, Experiencing English has been popularly adopted in plenty of colleges and universities since its first publication. 《大学体验英语》作为其中的一套,自它面市以来在很多院校得到了广泛的采用。
In business English teaching, students expect that more background knowledge on language and business are added into coursebooks to further their learning. 在具体教学中,学生期望教材中加入相应的语言及商务背景知识来深化学习。
As the basis, this thesis mainly starts from the following two aspects: On the one hand, to choose a suitable set of coursebooks is so important that it can affect students 'English study directly or indirectly. 论文主要从以下两大方面来展开:一方面,选择一套合适的教材是非常重要的,它可以直接或间接地影响学生的英语学习。
The coursebooks are the core of curriculum, and the teachers need to fully grasp the content and form. Meanwhile, teachers also need to know students 'learning needs, thus making coursebooks guide and serve teaching much better. 教材是课程的核心,教师需要充分掌握教材的内容和形式,同时了解学生的学习需求,从而使教材更好的指导和服务教学。
The first step is the pre-use evaluation of the two coursebooks, including comparative analysis of discourse, grammar, vocabulary, language skills and teachers 'books. 第一步,对教材内容进行使用前评价,涉及两本教材的篇章、语法、词汇、技能、教参的对比分析。
And the direction of reforming the system of our coursebooks is analyzed. 既而,分析我国义务教育教科书制度改革的方向。
The one-year teaching practice proves that the fruit which has certain progressive significance puts forward some positive and meaningful views as well as provides some reference for the future chemical coursebook construction of the firefighting command major and the construction of other coursebooks. 从一年的教学实践看,研究成果具有一定的进步意义,提出了一些积极而有意义的观点,为将来消防指挥专业化学教材建设及其他教材建设时提供了一定参考。
As for an internal evaluation, coursebooks were evaluated from the aspects of topic and subject content, authentic and native language material, exercise design and organization of coursebooks. 内部评价是对教材从主题,语言材料的真实性和地道上,练习的设计和教材的组织几个方面进行研究。
To select suitable coursebooks can contribute greatly to the accomplishment of teaching content and the achievement of teaching objectives. 选择合适的教材对完成教学和实现教学计划有很大帮助。
With the promulgation of new syllabus for English majors and the advancement of English teaching reform, the role of basic English coursebooks in the English Language teaching ( ELT) has become more and more important. 随着新的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》(以下简称《大纲》)的颁布和英语专业教学改革的推进,基础英语教材在英语专业教学中的地位越来越重要。