I was court-martialled and sentenced to six months in a military prison. 我受到军法审判,被判处6个月的军事监禁。
She is likely to be court-martialled for disobeying her commanding officer. 她可能因违抗指挥官而受到军法审判。
After nine weeks'solitary confinement, she was court-martialled, found guilty and sentenced to death. 她被单独囚禁九个星期之后,军事法庭判她有罪当死。
But Congress passed him over for promotion, and his extravagance drew him into shady financial schemes, for which he was court-martialled and convicted of two misdemeanours. 但国会没有把他擢升,而他挥霍过度,涉嫌以不正当手段谋财,遭军事法庭审讯,被判犯了两项轻罪。
By rights, you should all be court-martialled. 照理你该被送上军事法庭。
Any meritorious action in the service of the State shall be richly rewarded, and those responsible for delays or mistakes shall be court-martialled. 其功于国家者必得膺赏,其迟滞贻误者当必执法以罪。