Just for today I will be agreeable. I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit, and try not to improve or regulate anybody but myself. 为了今天我要达成共识,我将力所能及,穿着得体,说话小时,有礼帽的行动,鞭策自己,尝试不去提高和控制别人除了自己。
They were to bow down before him courteously, offer to shake hands, and to answer his questions modestly and intelligently. 学会在上帝面前彬彬有礼地鞠躬行礼,伸出双手谦虚谨慎地回答他提出的问题。
He bowed courteously to the communicative townsman, and, whispering a few words to his Indian attendant, they both made their way through the crowd. 他向和他谈话的那镇上人恭恭敬敬地鞠了一躬,又跟他的印第安随从耳语了几句,便双双穿过人群按到前边去了。
Good manners also dictate that you handle your mail promptly and courteously. 得体的举止也体现在你能即使有礼貌地处理信件。
A reader had been offering for a while to take me for a ride on his tandem, and so last week I climbed on the back and was forced to cycle as him – which turned out to be safely, confidently and courteously. 一名读者一直邀请我同骑他的双人自行车出去兜风,所以上个月底,我就坐在了这辆自行车的后面,被迫迁就他的骑车风格。事实证明,我们骑得安全、安心并且谦谦有礼。
Though he had offended her on several occasions, she pocketed her pride and greeted him courteously every time they met. 尽管有好几次他伤了她的心,但是她尽力克制自己,每次见面时,总是客客气气地同他打招呼。
The president listened courteously out was in no way shaken in his decision. 总统有礼貌地倾听着,但是丝毫没有改变自己的决定。
It is the traditional virtue of Chinese nation to treat people courteously. 相互尊重,礼貌待人是中华民族的传统美德。
It is the first regulation governing commercial service to treat customers courteously. When you overlocked a rule of etiquette, you are being rude. 礼貌待客,是商业服务规则的第一条。当你忽略礼节规范时,你是粗鲁无礼的。
Yet he must receive him courteously because he is a Great King, and do homage unto him, as the Kings and Princes do that attend upon him. 但他必须礼貌接待他,因为他是一个伟大的国王,他并参拜玉琮、由于国王和王储都出席,经他。
Clifford stopped the chair, once through the gate, and the man came quickly, courteously, to close it. 当他们通过园门后,克利福把车子停住了,那个人赶忙跑了回去,谦恭地把园门关好。
All the pupils stood up courteously when I went into the classroom. 我走进教室时学生都礼貌地站了起来。
When Lugovoi courteously asks the director, "would you like a cup of tea?" 当卢戈沃伊问导演“你想要茶吗?”
He gave courteously a beautiful female classmate a sweet and she gave a performance with a natural voice. 他很有礼貌地把糖送给了一位漂亮的女同学,她也很自然地表演了节目。
Employees in this company treat customers courteously. 这家公司的员工礼貌地对待客户。
Have a strong sense of career and responsibility, be good at social intercourse and treat guests warmly and courteously. 有强烈的事业心、责任感,善于社交,待客热情有礼。
He shall be fluent in spoken and written Bahasa Malaysia and English language, have an aptitude for organising and controlling his team, be able to think quickly and decisively and deal courteously and tactfully with other members of the project team. 他应马来西亚语和英语书面语、口语均熟练,具有组织和管理团队的资质,能迅速、果断思考及礼貌、巧妙地与项目团队的其他成员沟通。
He declined to discuss political questions, and courteously delegated one of his secretaries to show me the city. 他拒绝讨论政治问题,客气地委派他的一个秘书陪我参观市容。
"Surely, my father," I answered courteously. 是的,我的父亲,我毕恭毕敬地答道。
If I disagree with their ideas or behavior, I will do so courteously, without personal attack. 如果我不认同他们的想法或行为,我会礼貌的拒绝而不会进行人身攻击。
However, customers are not nameless, faceless voices; they are people who enjoy being and deserve to be treated courteously and fairly. 不过,来电的客户可不是没有姓名和没有脸孔的声音而己;他们喜欢被并也应被礼貌且公平对待。
The three young men bowed to each other courteously, if not affably. 三位青年客客气气地(即使不是殷勤地)鞠了一躬。
He courteously opened the door for me. 他谦恭有礼地为我开门。
She nodded her head and touched her lips courteously to the wine-glass and to the giver of the gift she knew would never be given. 她点点头,恭恭敬敬用嘴唇碰了碰杯子,向送她礼物的人示意&虽然她知道那礼物她是永远也得不到的。
I have courteously stated that I will not hear from you again. 我已经委婉地说了不想再收到你的信。
Drive friendly and courteously and have a safe and nice journey. 友好并谨慎地驾驶方能有个安全而又舒适的旅程。
King Wen went forward and greeted him courteously and then asked: "Do you take pleasure in fishing?" 文王上前慰劳并询问:“你喜欢钓鱼吗?”
Being but a woman, I will forgive thee the lie, for it was courteously said. 我是个女人,你的谎言说得谦恭有礼,这次就饶恕你了。
A shop dealing with customers courteously does a Booming Business, while a man without a smiling face should not open a shop. 礼貌待客生意好,人无笑脸休开店。
When you speak and act courteously, you give others a feeling of being valued and respected. 你的言行举止有礼貌,会得到别人的重视与尊重。