Do you recognize any of the top six most annoying coworker types? 你是否认识这六种最让人讨厌的同事中的任何一种呢?
Complaining about a coworker's personality usually reflects more poorly on you than on the coworker. 抱怨某位同事的性格通常反映出你的性格比他更差劲。
For example, if your coworker recently saw Captain Phillips you can ask what he thought of it. 例如,如果你的同事最近看了《菲利普斯船长》,你可以问他有什么评价。
There's a fine line between a caring coworker and an overbearing one. 关心同事和专横霸道之间有很微妙的区别。
Tell me about a time when you had a confrontation with a coworker or boss. 告诉我你有没有和同事或者老板发生过冲突?
Tell the interviewer that in those instances where you have made a mistake with a coworker, you have admitted your mistake. 告诉面试官,在你与同事犯错的时候,你已经承认了自己的错误。
Michael: My coworker got a raise but I didn't. 迈克尔:我的同事加薪了,可我却没有。
And you don't want to ask your potential boss something that's best suited for a future coworker. 你也不想用最应该问将来同事的问题向未来老板提问吧。
A former coworker might have gotten a new position at that company where you've always wanted to work. 以前的同事可能在你心仪已久的公司里找到了新工作。
Do you feel drained or sad after spending time with a particular friend, coworker, or relative? 你是否会觉得在跟某个特定的朋友、同事或家人在一起时有种被抽干或是悲伤的感觉?
What is your breaking point and when would you leave a job over a coworker? 你的底线是什么?在什么情况下,你会因为同事而辞职?
Would you quit your dream job to avoid daily annoyance and/ or stress caused by a coworker? 为了逃避某一同事每天带给你的烦恼、压力,你会放弃梦寐以求的工作吗?
Talkback: Have you ever been involved with a coworker, or a boss? 反馈:你是否曾与同事或上司发生过关系?
My coworker does not speak Korean well. 我的同事韩语说得不好。
Here's how to keep it professional if you start dating a coworker. 以上是如何保持专业,如果你开始约会的一个同事。
You might find that a coworker has been two faced. 你也许会发现你的工作同伴是个两面派。
My coworker suddenly quit so I have to work overtime to pick up the slack. 我的同事突然辞职了,因此我必须加班来接他留下来的工作。
Your boss sends you a nasty message or a coworker really dos you mad. 你的老总给你发了一条不堪入目的消息或者你的同事让你实在是很生气。
I figured a coworker or a sister. 我以为是同事或姐妹。
The next morning, that coworker blackmailed me, and I was forced to be his personal secretary for the day. 支吾了一些借口后,第二天早上,该同事勒索我,我被迫做了他一天的私人秘书。
Whether you're talking to a manager or a coworker, be succinct and direct. 无论和经理还是和同事说话,都要简洁直接。
A great coworker can help you look forward to going to work each day. 一个好的同事能够让你每天都期盼着去上班。
He was actually set up by his coworker! 他是被同事给陷害进这个阴谋了。
Before making physical contact with a coworker. 在和同事又身体接触之前。
Today, I had to cover for my coworker who didn't turn up for work. 今天,我不得不代替我的同事去工作谁都没有出现在工作的地方。
My coworker saw this one and liked it. 我的同事已经看过了,而且很喜欢。
I went to the bank with my coworker. 我跟同事一起去银行了。
I swore that I would never get involved with a coworker. 我发誓,我从来没有在同事这么乱过。
But after several weeks, a coworker is promoted to the new job. 可是过了数周后,一位同事被提拔到了这个新工作中。
I have a coworker who likes to chop logic with others all the time, it makes me angry. 我有一个总是喜欢诡辩的同事,这让我很生气。