You might assume consumer price inflation has been higher in the latter period. 你或许会以为后一个时期的消费者价格指数(CPI)涨幅可能较高。
If it is less than one, the project is under budget. 如果CPI小于一,表明项目在预算之内。
In a demand-led market economy, CPI growth would turn positive before PPI. 在一个需求主导的市场经济中,CPI会比PPI先上涨。
If CPI continues to rise, PPI would soon see a positive growth. 如果CPI持续增长,PPI很快也会上升。
The main reason for the CPI growth is the government's moderately loose monetary policy this year. CPI增长的主要原因是政府今年的相对宽松的货币政策。
This would have big impact on CPI growth. 这对CPI的增长会有很大的影响。
The consumer price index, or CPI, rose by just 0.2 percent in January. 消费者价格指数,或CPI,在1月仅上涨了0.2%。
China is expected to buck global trends and announce today a substantial drop in monthly consumer price inflation. 预计中国今天将宣布月度消费者价格指数(cpi)大幅下降,这与全球趋势不同。
The relationship between PPI and CPI is one of the hot issues in Macroeconomic research. PPI和CPI关系是宏观经济研究热点问题之一。
Focusing on the impacts of international crude oil price on PPI and CPI in China, this paper firstly analyzes and measures the transmission case of crude oil price from abroad to domestic; 本文以国际原油价格对我国PPI和CPI的影响为研究重点,首先分析测算国际原油价格对国内原油价格的传导情况;
The effect of CPI-deficiency on the photophysical and photochemical characteristics of the mutant alga were studied in detail. 本文首先详细地研究了CPI的部分缺失对突变型衣藻的光物理和光化学反应的影响。
Indeed, higher food prices will have an impact on the food component of CPI in the months ahead. 实际上,在未来数月,食品价格上涨将会给cpi中的食品部分带来一定影响。
Core prices, which exclude volatile food and energy inputs, rose 0.2 per cent. 不包括波动性较大的食品和能源价格的核心CPI上升0.2%。
CPI adjustment is fixed at the amount specified. 消费物价指数调整,这是一个固定在指定的数额。
The CPI is the cost of a given list of goods and services consumed by a typical urban dweller. CPI是一个典型城市居民消费一个特定清单货物和服务的花费。
Reduced expectations for Japanese interest rate rises after the CPI revisions have prompted the most recent yen decline. 消费物价指数修正后,人们对日本升息的预期已降低,引发了最近日元的走低。
CPI remains above the ECB's target level on the back of surging commodity prices. 在商品价格飞涨的背景下,CPI高位运行,超过了央行目标水平。
Recent CPI figures support this view. 近期的消费物价指数支持这种看法。
"The decline in grain prices and the slow price rise of the means of production will have a downward impact on the CPI," he said. 他说,粮食价格的下降和产品平均价格的低增长将会对消费价格指数有一个向下的影响。
The feeding through of food and energy costs to core prices did produce an uptick this past month. 在刚过去的这个月,食品和能源成本向核心物价的传导确实造成了核心CPI的上升。
Almost all the recent increase in headline consumer price index inflation is due to rocketing energy and food prices. 近期总体消费者价格指数(cpi)的上涨,几乎都来自于飙升的能源和食品价格。
Six Note: really "a security control" achieved, GDP and CPI are scheduled to meet the targets of China's economy is really on the completion of the transition it? 注六:真的“一保一控”实现了,GDP和CPI都达到预定指标了,中国经济就真的完成转型了吗?
The wage increase in the country will be pegged to the consumer price index ( CPI). 全国的工资增添幅度还将与居民消费价钱指数(CPI)挂钩。
Grain and food prices have rebounded and energy prices continue to rise, which have both contributed to CPI growth. 农产品和食品价格的反弹和能源价格持续走高导致CPI的增长。
But headline consumer price inflation, politically sensitive in China, will not allow it. 但是,在中国具有政治敏感性的整体消费价格指数(CPI)不容许这么做。
In contrast, China's own consumer price index hit 7.1 per cent last month, an 11-year high. 相比之下,中国国内的消费价格指数(CPI)上月达到了7.1%,创11年新高。
And finally in the Eurozone the second estimate of CPI inflation should validate that inflation is indeed easing. 并最终在欧元区,在对消费者物价指数上升的第二次估量得到证实时,通货膨胀的确在放松。
Seasonally-adjusted, month-on-month consumer prices are likely to rise for the fourth consecutive month in June. 经季节性调整后,6月份居民消费价格(CPI)可能会连续第四个月环比上涨。