On the one hand, Australia's crackerjack fit with the Chinese economy is reshaping Australia's trade and investment flows, drawing the country into a China-centred Asian orbit. 一方面,澳大利亚出产的好东西符合中国经济的需要,这促进了它的贸易和投资,将这个国家拉入以中国为中心的亚洲圈子。
He's a crackerjack at technical innovations. 他是个技术革新能手。
It was a crackerjack legal circus, with spectators getting in line at four in the morning, despite the subzero temperatures, to assure themselves of a seat. 这是一场出色的法庭秀,旁观的群众清晨四点钟就冒着零度以下的低温到法院排队,免得抢不到位子。