To this day, I share that story with my students when I teach a DB2 DBA Certification Exam Crammer course and I tell them there's no shame in failing an exam. 现在,我在教授DB2DBACertificationExamCrammer课程时会与学生分享这次经历,我告诉他们考试失败没有什么丢脸的。
While the rapid growth of the crammer or cram school industry mirrors developments in India, the growth drivers are different. 尽管印度同样出现了补习学校行业的快速增长,但两国增长背后的推动因素却各不相同。
The output signal from inertial navigation system is used to assist electro-optical system to gain the distance from object to crammer by comparing the gray scales and the coordinates between the corresponding points in the two images defined at a certain point on the obstacle. 将目标物上的某一点在两幅图像上的对应点之间的灰度值和坐标值进行比较,结合惯性导航系统的输出信号,可得到运载体与目标物间的距离。