Cars are tested to see how much damage they suffer in simulated crashes. 已经对车辆进行了测试以确定其在模拟撞车试验中会遭受多大的损坏。
Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes. 计算机病毒在系统崩溃后往往依然存在。
Tired drivers cause one in five fatal crashes on motorways, experts estimate. 专家估计,高速路上所发生了严重车祸中有五分之一是因为司机的疲倦所造成的。
Will I have enough information to diagnose crashes? 我有足够的信息来诊断应用程序崩溃吗?
For example, if a virtual machine operating system crashes, applications in other virtual machines continue to run. 例如,如果一个虚拟机的操作系统崩溃了,那么其他虚拟机中的应用程序将可以继续运行。
We consider this debugging effort a high priority so that we can investigate all crashes and serious system conditions. 我们认为这种调试工作非常重要,这让我们能够研究所有崩溃和严重的系统问题。
If a service crashes, the events that occurred at the very end provide the most clues. 如果某个服务崩溃了,那么最后发生的事件将提供最有价值的线索。
If the server crashes, all the data is lost. 如果服务器崩溃,所有数据将丢失。
Usually such server crashes ends with lots of troubleshooting and loss of critical data. 一般情况下,这样的服务器崩溃最终会导致大量的故障排除和大量关键数据的丢失。
This heap dump can be generated automatically when the JVM runs out of memory or crashes. 此堆转储可在JVM用尽内存或崩溃时自动生成。
In this section, we examine some general approaches to troubleshooting server crashes and server hangs. 在本节中,我们来看一些用于故障诊断服务器崩溃和服务器挂起的一般方法。
You can set up fault recovery to automatically handle Domino server crashes. 您可以将故障恢复设置为自动处理Domino服务器崩溃。
What are server hangs and crashes? 何为服务器挂起和崩溃?
Robust mutexes solve the problem of cleaning up locks properly after an application holding locks crashes. 健壮的互斥锁解决了在持有锁的应用程序崩溃后正确清理锁的问题。
Due to the frequent aircraft crashes this year, many people gave up travelling by air. 由于今年频繁发生坠机事件,许多人放弃了乘飞机旅行。
People fret about terrorists, sharks, Ebola and plane crashes because of the availability heuristic. 人们担心恐怖分子、鲨鱼、埃博拉(Ebola)和飞机失事是因为它们具有可得性启发(availabilityheuristic)。
There have been many fatal crashes in this area. 这个地区已有多起撞车致死的事件发生。
When this issue occurs, the application crashes or throws exceptions. 发生此问题时,应用程序崩溃或引发异常。
The system is prone to crashes. 这个系统很容易崩溃。
It should be noted that most airplane crashes occur during takeoffs and landings. 值得注意的是绝大多数的飞机失事均发生在飞机起飞和降落的时候。
I can relate to that. I have nightmares about plane crashes. 我能感受。我作噩梦会梦到坠机。
Guy texting while bicycling crashes into a tree and suffers head injury. 还有一个家伙一边骑自行车一边发短信,撞到了一棵树上,结果脑袋受了伤。
If your computer crashes, it means it stops working suddenly. 如果你的电脑死机了,那他就是马上停止运作了。
In the early stages of the Raptor program, the radio system encountered "stability events"& software-related systems crashes. 在早期的猛禽计划中,无线电系统遇到了了“稳定性问题”&与软件有关的系统崩溃。
This defect might produce incorrect output or crashes. 此缺陷可能产生错误的输出或系统崩溃。
Multiple instance no longer crashes when multiple CPU are available. 多个事例不再碰撞当多个CPU是可利用的。
Car crashes cause the most accidental deaths for children worldwide. 对全世界的小孩来说,车辆的碰撞是最大的引起意外死亡。
In the first case, a node crashes or suddenly gets disconnected from the server. 第一个例子中,一个节点突然停止工作,或失去与服务器的连接。
Casualties in air crashes are terrible. 空难的人员伤亡很可怕。
Pickups still fatally injured people in cars and minivans at a higher rate, particularly in frontal crashes. 皮卡仍然致命的受伤率较高,特别是在正面碰撞,人们在汽车和小型货车。