The Google-owned site has emerged as a legitimate platform for professional content creators to communicate with their viewers. 谷歌(Google)拥有的这个网站已经成为专业化内容创作者们与观众交流的合法平台。
They viewed themselves as creators of propaganda, rather than makers of entertainment. 他们把自己视为宣传材料的创作者,而不是娱乐产品的制作人。
Lotus Domino's document-based architecture makes it easy to create and share documents between content creators and editors. LotusDomino的基于文档的架构使它容易创建文档,并在内容创建器与编辑器之间共享文档。
The creators of LFS recognized the need for other varieties of source-based Linux systems. LFS的创建者们认识到了对其他各种基于源代码的Linux系统的需求。
Fortunately, FOAF's creators have come up with an alternative, the mbox_sha1sum property. 幸运的是,FOAF的创建者提出了一个替代项mboxsha1sum特性。
Such businesses often buy small companies either for the technology they develop or the ability of their creators. 这类企业经常因为其研发的技术或其创建者的能力而收购小型公司。
Small businesses and tech-savvy amateurs have been the most enthusiastic early creators of DIY apps. 小企业与有卓见的科技爱好者都是早期最有热情的DIY应用创建者。
SMEs are major creators of jobs and wealth. 中小企业是就业机会和财富的主要创造者。
User tagged content enables discovery of a range of other items tagged by content creators and readers. 用户标记的内容能够发现由内容创作者和读者标记的一系列其他信息。
I believe that there will be more and more creators concern and think much of it. 我相信,将有越来越多的音乐创作者关注它,重视它。
We want to communicate with your creators. 我们想同你的创造者交流。
We are the creators. 我们才是创造者。
Why should we not eulogize the people, the creators of the history of mankind? 对于人民,这个人类世界历史的创造者,为什么不应该歌颂呢?
I didn't understand why but I knew it was important to writers and to creators of the show. 我不明白为什么但我知道那对编剧们和监制们来说是重要的。
Copyright is a legal term describing rights given to creators for their literary and artistic works. 版权是指描述给予文学和艺术作品创造者的权利的法律术语。
Many online social networking tools have fulfilled uses their creators had never dreamed of. 许多网络社交工具实现了他们的创造者当初从来就没有梦想的功能。
Not only have they provided this magnificent setting, they remind us of a truth reflected in the proud history of this great nation: that artists and creators add great to society. 他们不仅为我们提供了这样宏伟的场地,同时也提醒了我们这个伟大国家背后的优良传统:艺术家和创作者为社会带了巨大的贡献。
This is a full set of tools targeted specifically at designers and content creators. 而是明确定位于设计者和内容创建者的全套工具。
In this new world, consumers, as much as creators, are in control. 在这个新的世界里,用户几乎等于创造者,一切尽在其掌握之中。
An indie group of magzine creators sharing life and dreams. 是致力于生活和梦想的杂志创造者集合。
I think it speaks very highly of what we all do as entrepreneurs and what we all do as creators and builders of things. 我觉得它高度赞扬了,我们企业家在做的事情,和我们作为创造者和建设者所做的事。
We are the creators of our own thoughts. 我们都是自己思想的创造者。
The great wealth creators will experience a lifestyle change. 优秀的财富创造者将体验到生活方式的改变。
The story of Cinderella has influenced many creators of books, movies, songs, and dances. 灰姑娘的故事影响了很多小说,电影,歌曲,舞蹈的作者。
Similarly, SXSW Interactive has attracted a strong following among web creators and entrepreneurs. 同样,SXSW互动,吸引了强大的下列网页中的创造者和企业家。
I believe creators of stained glass, water colour paintings and sculptures will also start displaying their works. 我相信彩绘玻璃、水彩绘画和雕塑作品的作者们也将开始在水下展示他们的作品。
We are creators of our universe. 我们是宇宙的创造者。
We people are the creators of history and masters of the world. 我们人民是历史的创造者,世界的主人。
Distributors and creators should focus on the content management that sits between distribution and content creation. 分销商和内容创建者应将重点放在分销与创建之间的内容管理上。
Creators are people who have what you want. 创作者的人,有你想要的。