As all else phenomenologist, the evidence principle is the most ultimate credendum of Heidegger phenomenology. 正像其他所有现象学家们一样,现象学的明见性原则是海德格尔现象学的最根本的信条。
"Doctrine of privity of contract" has been the unshakable credendum of the classical contract law and has been treated as the corner stone of contract rule and system. 历史上,合同相对性原则曾经作为古典契约法的一个不可动摇的信条,被称为是合同法体系构建的第一块基石。
Using this credendum to deal with the things around can make your life happier. 用这一信条处理周围的事情,会使自己的日子过得高兴。
In the relation of literature and film, film adaptation abides not only to the credendum of "faith to original work", but increasingly pays attention to the directors 'self-conscience and individual style. 在电影作品与文学文本的关系上,电影改编不再谨守忠实于原著的创作信条,愈加注重导演主体意识的发挥和个人风格的彰显;
As for its credendum, the WTO is an organization of market economy which lays its emphasis on open and free competition; 就其推崇的信条而言,WTO是一个强调公开自由竞争的市场经济组织;