N-COUNT 逐渐增强的喧闹声;噪声的最高点 A crescendo is a noise that gets louder and louder. Some people also use crescendo to refer to the point when a noise is at its loudest.
She spoke in a crescendo: 'You are a bad girl! You are a wicked girl! You are evil!'... 她嗓门越来越高地说道:“你是个坏女孩!你是个妖女!你是个魔鬼!”
The crescendo of noise was continuous... 噪声越来越大。
The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked. 掌声雷动,照相机咔嚓咔嚓响个不停。
N-COUNT 最大强度;渐强;顶点 People sometimes describe an increase in the intensity of something, or its most intense point, as a crescendo .
There was a crescendo of parliamentary and press criticism... 来自议会和新闻界的批评越来越多。
And now the story reaches a crescendo. 现在故事进行到了高潮。
(音乐的)渐强部分,高潮 In music, a crescendo is a section of a piece of music in which the music gradually gets louder and louder.
The last chords of the suite build to a crescendo. 组曲的最后和音部分渐入高潮。
The applause rose to a crescendo and cameras clicked 掌声越来越响,照相机的咔嗒声不绝于耳。
She spoke in a crescendo: 'You are a bad girl! You are a wicked girl! You are evil!' 她嗓门越来越高地说道:“你是个坏女孩!你是个妖女!你是个魔鬼!”
The crescendo of noise was continuous 噪声越来越大。
There was a crescendo of parliamentary and press criticism 来自议会和新闻界的批评越来越多。
And now the story reaches a crescendo. 现在故事进行到了高潮。
An enormous orchestral crescendo introduces the climax of the opera. 管弦乐队的气势磅礴的渐强段落标志着歌剧高潮的到来。
No big wrap-up, no final crescendo to send us off with a sense of purpose. 没有好好的总结一下,没有逐渐推到顶峰,让我们意犹未尽。
Moreover, the situation could not be made worse, a certain degree of distress is no longer capable of a crescendo, and Thenardier himself could add nothing to this blackness of this night. 何况,处境也不能更为恶劣,困境到了某种程度已无法再升级,德纳第本人也不能使这黑夜更黑。
This relatively subjective term produces a sound bank selection with immediate sound output, gradual peak and decline, and a third group with a gradual crescendo. 这个相对主观的术语产生了声音选择库,包含即时声音输出、声音逐渐升高并下降以及第三组渐增的声音。
Grief seems to reach a crescendo in Roka as a visitor walks down the main dirt road: Five minutes from the temple is a cluster of houses where 16 members of an extended family were infected. 在罗卡,当你走在主干道的土路上时,悲伤的感觉会步步加深:从寺庙走过五分钟,你会看到一片房子,居住在那里的一个大家族有16名成员感染了HIV。
Like the musical term "crescendo", the home has a series of musical" notes "where each room has a unique and specific role in creating a total harmonious piece of music. 像这个音乐术语“高潮”,家就像音乐剧一样有一系列的“音符”,在家里每个房间都具有独一无二的和具体的角色,就象在创作一首完整的和谐的音乐剧用的音符一样。
It only requires one to do so, and then the truth will come tumbling out and it will snowball into a crescendo of information. 需要的只是有人去这么做,然后真相会到来,并且它将以滚雪球般的趋势引来更多的增加信息。
The clamour in the press was reaching a crescendo. 报界的鼓噪正趋于高潮。
There are few exceptions to this rule, and sometimes a crescendo is marked after an appoggiatura or dissonance; 对这些规则有少数例外,有时在一个倚音或不谐和音后面标一个渐强记号;
At first it was a soft and gentle sound, but as his voice rose in crescendo, it became a beautiful and powerful song. 最初,那是一阵轻柔而温和的声音,但随着嗓音渐渐变强,变成了一段悦耳又充满力量的歌声。
The caterwauling horns had reached a crescendo and I turned away and cut across the lawn toward home. 汽车喇叭的尖声怪叫达到了高潮,于是我掉转身,穿过草地回家。
Characteristic is Berlioz's frequent use of the orchestral crescendo. 柏辽兹连续地使用乐队渐强,这是很有特点的。
The crescendo in the last movement leads up to a grand climax and a repeat of the main theme. 最后乐章的高潮慢慢发展到了顶点。以重复主旋律而告终。
Comrade Li's excellent presentation on the ambitious future development plans of the Bao An Foreign Trade Base were soon drowned out by the crescendo of great growling gringo stomachs. 李同志介绍的宝安外贸基地未来远大发展计划十分精彩,但很快就被外国佬肚子里发出的越来越响的咕噜声所淹没。
The back half of the song offers a classic MJ crescendo, with the gospel choir providing the lift and communal strength the woman needs to keep going. 歌曲的后半部分是典型的MJ式的渐强音,伴随福音合唱团,给予她前行的鼓舞和社会支持力量。
The third movement of the symphony ends in a climactic crescendo. 交响乐的第三乐章在激动的高潮中结束。
The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas. 在圣诞节期间,广告战已达到高潮。
Both memory and desire are triggered, each competing with the other, so that it seems a kind of grief for Daniel reaches a crescendo even as her body responds to Jeff. 回忆和欲望都一触即发,互相竞争,正当她的身体回应杰夫的时候,似乎她对丹尼尔的伤怀也达到了高潮。
Crescendo has created a beautiful European inspired masterpiece that is in perfect harmony with its surroundings. 样板房创造了一个美丽的欧洲风格创意的杰作,那就在于它与周围环境的完美和谐。
Everything is reaching a crescendo of complexity for the user. 对用户来说,所有功能都复杂到了一定程度。
The gale reached its crescendo in the evening. The high winds coupled with a rising tide. 狂风在晚上达到高潮。强风和涨潮结合在一起。
I will not be totally satisfied until I know you're at the right angle at the right time, to capture a crescendo of emotion that happens so quickly, so spontaneously. 情绪是最自然、也最转瞬即逝的东西。我必须知道你在最好的时间选择了最好的角度去抓住那些情绪的高潮,否则我就无法完全满意。
But it was a big day for Burnley, their first game at home after a long awaited promotion and I doubt whether their crowd will ever reach such a crescendo of support again. 但这是伯恩利的大日子。这是他们第一场顶级联赛,我不知道他们的球迷以后还会不会这么high的支持球队了。
My personal drama reached its crescendo when a US embassy official in Moscow tested me for radioactive poisoning. 当美国驻莫斯科大使馆的一位官员对我进行放射性中毒检测,我自己的戏剧性经历也抵达了高潮。