He linked the treaty to another agreement governing the presence of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol on Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula. 他还把这个友好条约与另一项有关驻扎在乌克兰塞瓦斯托波尔半岛的俄罗斯黑海舰队的相关协议联系起来。
The Duke was in the Army and served in the Crimean War. 这位公爵是位军人,还参加过克里米亚战争。
President Barack Obama says the presence of Russian forces in the Crimean peninsula violates Ukraine's rights as an independent country. 巴拉克奥巴马总统表示,俄方军队出现在克里米亚半岛上,这是对乌克兰作为一个独立国家的权利侵犯。
In a TV call-in session last April, Mr Putin casually announced for the first time that the little green men helping Crimean pro-Russian self-defence forces during the referendum, had indeed been Russian military personnel. 在去年4月一次电视节目电话通话环节中,普京首次漫不经心地提到,曾在克里米亚公投期间帮助克里米亚亲俄罗斯自卫部队的小绿人,实际上就是俄罗斯军人。
In a speech celebrating the Crimean annexation last March, he included a warning against those who might oppose it, calling them national traitors and a fifth column. 去年3月,普京发表了一篇庆祝吞并克里米亚的演讲,向可能反对这一做法的人发出了警告,称他们是国家叛徒和第五纵队。
The leader of the Crimean Tatars, an ethnic minority that accounts for about 12% of the peninsula's population, has called the referendum unlawful, but they don't have the numbers to reverse the separatist push. 克里米亚鞑靼族领导人宣称公投不合法,但他们的人数不足以扭转整个局面。鞑靼人是克里米亚的一个少数民族,人口约占克里米亚半岛总人口的12%。
The Crimean capital of Simferopol was already celebrating as polls closed. 随着投票结束,克里米亚首府辛菲罗波尔已经在庆祝。
Crimean infrastructure and hotels have languished from a lack of investment. 由于缺少投资,克里米亚当地许多基础设施和酒店正在老化衰败。
Russia landed troops outside the Crimean peninsula and onto the Ukrainian mainland for the first time on Saturday, seizing a natural gas distribution station in Ukraine's Kherson region to prevent a cutoff of gas to the peninsula. 上周六,俄罗斯首次在克里米亚半岛以外部署军队,进入乌克兰大陆,占领了乌克兰赫尔松(Kherson)地区的一处天然气配送站,以防止克里米亚半岛的天然气供应被切断。
The largest was with Wang Jing, a Chinese entrepreneur, who signed a$ 3bn agreement for the first phase of a deep water port construction project in the Crimean peninsula. 最大的一笔交易与中国企业家王靖有关,他签署了价值30亿美元的协议,投资克里米亚半岛一个深水港建设项目的一期。
He was first excluded last year after Russia's annexation of the Crimean peninsula. 普京去年第一次被拒于峰会之外,是因为俄罗斯并吞克里米亚半岛。
Many Crimean Tatars associate Kremlin rule with their deportation in the 1940s under Joseph Stalin. 许多克里米亚鞑靼人对俄罗斯的记忆停留在上世纪40年代斯大林(JosephStalin)统治时期他们被驱逐的历史上。
Russia then annexed Ukraine's Black Sea Crimean Peninsula, and a pro-Russia mutiny has engulfed eastern Ukraine. 俄罗斯紧接着就吞并了乌克兰的黑海克里米亚半岛,一场亲俄的反抗席卷了乌克兰东部。
The Crimean War had just broken out. 克里米亚战争这时刚刚爆发。
She had already acquired a reputation for her nursing expertise and had been asked to help treat British soldiers wounded in the Crimean War. 当时由于她专业的护理技术而颇受敬重,因此被要求帮助和照顾在克里米亚战争中受伤的英国士兵。
Crimean war was an important international war in the 19 th century. 克里米亚战争是19世纪的一场重要的国际战争。
All of these things apply to the Crimean War. 所有这些,都适用于克里米亚半岛战争。
She became famous during the Crimean War years. 她在克里米亚战争时期逐渐地出名。
Covered historical cases include World War I, World War II, Korea, Indochina, and the Peloponnesian, Crimean and Seven Years wars. 本课程亦包含历史实例,诸如第一次和第二次世界大战、韩战、中南半岛战争、伯罗奔尼撒战争、克里米亚战争和七年战争。
England, France and Sardinia assailed Russia in the Crimean war in defence of Turkey; 在克什米尔战争中,为了保卫土耳其,英国、法国和撒丁王国对俄国发动了袭击;
He was most resistant to change in the Army and is generally held responsible for its stagnation between the Crimean and Boer Wars. 他对变化是最有抵抗性在军队上和一般使负责任对它的停滞在克里米亚半岛和布尔战争之间。
It's named for Liston, who was a surgeon in the Crimean War. 是以里斯顿命名的,他是克里米亚战争中的一位外科医生。
In the Crimean War Britain's oversea empire and balance of power would've been greatly challenged by Russia. 在克里米亚战争中,英国的海外统治和权力平衡已经大大的被俄罗斯给改变。
As a matter of fact, the economic conflict among European powers, especially that between Great Britain and russia, was the economic source or the cardinal cause of the Crimean war. 实际上,欧洲列强,特别是英俄两国在近东的经济冲突,是克里米亚战争的经济根源或根本原因。
She became world famous for her service during the Crimean war. 她成为世界知名的为她服务,在克里米亚战争。
Then, the Crimean War broke out. I felt that sad for him that there had to be a war. 后来,克里米亚战争爆发了,我觉得对他来讲,战争是一件悲哀的事。
Crimean war is one of the turning points of diplomacy of Austria in 19th century. 克里米亚战争是十九世纪奥地利外交上的一个转折点。
The Policies of Russia and Britain on Eastern Question before Crimean War 克里米亚战前英俄在东方问题上的政策