A sign that they are losing the sense of their criminality, and that they feel, even among thinkers and dreamers, some indefinable support which the latter themselves know not of. 这说明他们已失去了那种自惭多罪的感受,并感到自己已在某些思想家和空想者中间受到一种说不上是什么的不自觉的支持。
There is a profound connection between criminality abroad and criminality at home. 无论在国内和国外,犯罪行为都会紧密联系。
The steps I have outlined today shows we will not hesitate to take firm action against those-students, colleges and universities-who do not abide by their legal responsibilities and resolutely pursue organised criminality to bring those responsible to justice, the minister concluded. 他总结道:现在我概述的这些表明了我们将会坚定不移的采取行动,无论是对学生、大学还是学院。那些不遵守规定的人应当被绳之以法。
Considered the most powerful man in Kandahar, he had been accused of criminality, corruption and drug running. 作为坎大哈省最有权势的人物,他曾经被控触犯法律,腐败和贩卖毒品。
Information terrorism and criminality 信息恐怖主义和犯罪
Even more dangerous for Mr Murdoch are allegations levelled by police and politicians that executives obstructed efforts to uncover criminality. 对默多克来说更加危险的是,警方和政客指责该集团高管对调查犯罪事实的努力进行阻碍。
The judges disagreed, however, and ruled that the allegations did pass the "dual criminality" test of being considered an offence in both Sweden and the UK. 但法官们不认同这一说法,而且裁定这些指控确实符合“两国共认罪行”标准,在瑞典和英国两国都被视为犯罪。
The Criminality Is not the Advance Behavior of Crime of Omissions; I favor as a practical policy the putting of first things first. 犯罪行为不是不作为犯罪中的先行行为我建议,作为可行的策略、首要事务先行。
No, it would lay bare the criminality of the Federal Reserve. 不,它暴露了美国联邦储备委员会的犯罪行为。
Investigators at the sun are talking about "serious suspected criminality over a sustained period". 对《太阳报》进行调查的人员表示,该报“涉嫌长期从事严重的犯罪行为”。
Problems of overcrowding, poor accommodation and criminality are all prominent in revolutionary propaganda. 过度拥挤,住处糟糕和犯罪等问题,在革命宣传中都很突出。
The sleaze and criminality of many regional politicians made this seem almost sensible-until Mr putin's appointments began. 许多地区劣迹斑斑、行累累的政客使得这个决定在普京任命工作开始前看起来还算明智。
The serious fraud office and financial services authority are both taking a more robust approach to alleged criminality in the business world. 英国严重欺诈办公室和金融服务管理局(fsa)都对企业界的所谓犯罪行为采取了更严厉的措施。
Newspapers of the day inveighed, nastily, against what one called an "unnecessarily imported" crisis of "ethnic criminality". 有人称这是一场“本不该有”的“民族犯罪”危机,当时的报纸对此进行了猛烈的抨击。
If the crises in Greece and Italy tell us anything, it is that the European Union has tolerated widespread corruption, criminality and malign governance not just in supplicants from eastern Europe but in some of its core western European members. 如果说希腊和意大利的危机给了我们什么启示的话,那就是欧盟(EU)放任了大面积的腐败、犯罪和治理不当,不但东欧的求援国如此,一些西欧的核心成员国亦是如此。
They hesitate before accepting an invitation to serve, knowing that one might face personal bankruptcy or prosecution – even if the acts were not wilful criminality, but just negligence. 在接受任职邀请前,他们会犹豫,他们知道,可能会面临个人破产或起诉,即便他们的行为并非故意犯罪,而只是疏忽大意。
Things are different in the case of the cool and deliberate serial killer, who knows the criminality of his deeds yet continues to commit them. 这与那种冷静和审慎的连环杀手的情况不同,他清楚他的行为是犯罪行为,但却继续实施。
Domain names ending in. Ru for Russia and. CN for China have been so riddled with criminality that many Western companies and software services prevent browsers from visiting them. 以.ru(俄罗斯)和.cn(中国)为结尾的域名中,犯罪行为比比皆是,以至于许多西方公司和软件服务阻止浏览器访问这些域名的网站。
How Much Can We Trust Causal Interpretations of Fixed-Effects Estimators in the Context of Criminality? 在犯罪背景中固定效应估计者的原因解释我们能相信多少?
Such criminality may be hard to pin down after all this time, but it is worth the effort. 过了这么久,现在再对这种犯罪行为采取行动的难度很大,但人们仍值得付出努力。
New Delhi Consensus on the New Dimensions of Criminality and Crime Prevention in the Context of Development 从发展角度来看犯罪行为和预防犯罪的新领域的新德里一致意见
Some jurisdictions may need to be able to rationalize matters concerning dual criminality; others may be bound by their domestic laws not to extradite their own nationals. 某些司法管辖区或要将涉及双重刑事罪行的事宜合理化,有些则可能受到不对其国民进行引渡的国内法例所规限。
And down in Basra, what is poisoning the city is the violence and criminality of Jaish-al Mahdi and other groups& supported, financed and armed by elements of the Iranian regime. 在巴士拉,由迈赫迪军和其它集团制造的暴力和犯罪活动正毒害这座城市,而这些集团是由伊朗政权所支持、资助并武装的。
This is partly a matter of racism, but mostly it reflects their vague awareness of the criminality that makes the building hum. 某种程度上讲,这是一种民族主义问题,不过更深层次地反应了他们对这幢建筑里乱哄哄犯罪的模糊认识。
Because of them, criminality, malfeasance and other stories that government and others would prefer stay secret have come to light. 因为这些匿名信源,政府和其他人想要保密的犯罪、不正当行为和其他新闻得以公开。
The modern criminal law theory thoughtgenerally the criminal law lay in the criminality to the crime place by thesevere penalty reason to cause the serious harm to the society, has formed theenormous impact to the national dominant order. 现代刑法理论普遍认为刑法对犯罪处以严厉刑罚的原因在于犯罪行为给社会造成了严重的危害,对国家的统治秩序形成了极大的冲击。
Objective Based on the review and analysis of the past studies in criminality, this paper puts forward a new assumption to evaluating the criminality. 目的通过对有关犯罪性研究的回顾与评价,提出了对犯罪性进行评估的新构想,方法采用文献研究法。
Study on the Effects of Social Stratum, Social Support, Social Attitude, Adapting Strategy on Male Criminality 社会阶层、社会支持、社会态度、适应策略对男性犯罪行为的影响研究
Labour illegal activity and criminality can be divided into illegal and criminal type; pure illegal typo; 劳动用工违法犯罪的行为可以分为违法犯罪类型、单纯违法类型和模糊行为类型;
But his exposure is much much more serious than previous scandals the BBC has faced, given the criminality of which he stands accused. 但鉴于他被指控的行为已触犯刑律,这一丑闻曝光带来的负面影响比bbc以往面对丑闻时要严重得多。