Pondering on Criminalization of Not Giving Help with Others 'Peril under the View of the Theory of Social Implicative Relationship 社会连带理论视角下的见危不助犯罪化思考
The criminalization of politics undermines our very system. I am very disappointed. 有政治动机的定罪破坏我们的司法体系,对此我感到非常失望。
Study on Criminalization of "Marital Rape" from the Perspective of Feminism 女权主义视野下的婚内强奸犯罪化研究
In modern society, criminalization of monopolistic conducts has become an irreversible historical trend. 在现代社会,垄断行为犯罪化已经成为一个不可逆转的历史潮流。
In many countries, criminalization of same sex relationships drives such relationships underground, making people afraid to seek HIV prevention and treatment services. 在许多国家,对同性关系持有的歧视现象迫使这类关系走向地下,这使人们不愿意去寻求艾滋病毒预防和治疗服务。
With the proposition of dual-polarization criminal policy, the problem of criminalization and decriminalization has become a global trend. 随着两极化刑事政策的提出,犯罪化与非犯罪化已成为世界性潮流。
In confronting social problems initiated by the exercise of joint action right, criminal law should remain rational and lenient, including legislative and judicial criminalization. 刑法在由联合行动权行使而引发的社会问题面前,应当保持基本的理性与宽容,包括立法的犯罪化、司法的犯罪化与刑罚化。
As a conclusion, it proposes the principles and mode of criminalization of economic offences. 因此,作者在此基础上提出了经济违法行为犯罪化的原则和路径模式;
Research on Criminalization of Sex Bribery 性贿赂犯罪化研究
Gambling should be criminalization or decriminalization, greater dispute has existed all the time, in fact "gambling criminalization" and "gambling decriminalization" are not either-or and diametrically opposite, and complete criminalization of gambling and all-around decriminalization is all partial. 赌博应犯罪化抑或非犯罪化,一直存在较大的争议,其实赌博犯罪化与赌博非犯罪化并非是非此即彼的截然对立,对赌博完全地犯罪化和全面地非犯罪化都有失偏颇。
Criminalization and non-criminalization in the judicial crimes: an analysis from the perspective of rent-seeking economics 法定犯罪的犯罪化与非犯罪化&从寻租经济学视角分析
For this issue, there are some thoughts for criminalization and decriminalization as well as the completely contrary cases. 既有犯罪化与非犯罪化的思辨,也有截然相反的判例。
Criminalization, early and severe punishment, and internationalization are all trends in the criminal legislation around the world. 犯罪化、处罚的早期化、严罚化和国际化,是当今世界范围内的刑事立法动向。
The Criminalization and Prosecution Standard of Non-property Interest Bribery 非财产利益贿赂的犯罪化和追诉标准
With the development in production, technology and economy, and the advance in human capabilities, environmental problems are getting more serious, which has forced many countries to strengthen criminalization and penalization against environmental hazards, including China. 随着人类社会生产、科技及经济的不断进步与发展,生产力水平大大提高,与此同时环境问题也日益严重,迫使许多国家强化对严重危害生态环境的行为推行犯罪化和刑罚化,中国也不例外。
The law circle of our country is not rescuing the people in danger criminalization debate invested the enormous enthusiasm. 我国法学界对见危不救入罪化的争论投入了极大的热情。
Then, improve the criminal law to protect private financing mechanisms, legislative interpretation of the relevant financing concepts for crimes related to the criminalization of financing. 然后,完善民间融资的刑事法律保护机制,对相关融资概念立法解释,对相关集资罪去刑事化。
In order to prevent and control drug crime, every country has taken different policies towards drug crime, in which the crime circle and the set of criminal law, including criminalization and decriminalization, are concerned. 为了防范与控制毒品犯罪,各国立法在面对毒品犯罪时采取了不同的政策,其中主要涉及到犯罪圈的划定与刑罚的设置,包括犯罪化与非犯罪化。
In terms of rules of the forgoing conventions, criminalization of money laundering, control of criminal proceeds, and anti-money laundering are necessary ways on which the realization of the object of anti-money laundering strategy must rely. 从上述公约的规定来看,洗钱犯罪化、控制犯罪收益和反洗钱是实现反洗钱战略目标所必须依赖的途径。
The criminalization of marital rape has been the United States, marital rape has been plagued married women, according to research statistics about 10% to 14% of women had been raped within marriage. 在婚内强奸已经犯罪化的美国,婚内强奸一直困扰着已婚妇女,据研究人员统计,大约有10%~14%的妇女曾经被婚内强奸。
The Criminalization and Decriminalization of choice mainly depends on the degree of civilization of the criminal justice. 而犯罪化与非犯罪化的取舍主要要看该国的刑事司法的文明程度。
The criminalization of harmful conduct of organ transplant is necessary and practicable, therefore we should make it criminal. 器官移植危害行为的犯罪化具有必要性与可行性,因此应当将其犯罪化。
For the criminalization of drunk driving, to some extent, curb the behavior of drunk driving. 醉驾入罪以来,一定程度上遏制了行为人醉酒驾驶机动车现象的发生。
In criminal theory, the connotation of social harmfulness has expanded from social harmfulness of criminal behavior to outside conditions and means which lead to social harmfulness, which provided theoretic rationale for criminalization of money laundering. 刑法理论上,社会危害性的内涵从行为的社会危害性本身扩大到造就危害性的外部条件和手段要素,这为洗钱犯罪化提供了理论依据。
The second section discusses genocide and the issue of its domestic legislation, including criminalization of genocide, the statute rules regulating genocide, three major legislation modes in different countries and their specific content. 第二节论述灭绝种族罪及其国家实施立法,包括灭绝种族的犯罪化、规约对该罪的规范情况、国家的主要立法方式及立法的具体内容。
This article tries to make the drug abuse behavior criminalization to find a better way. 文章试图以吸毒行为入罪为治理吸毒行为找到更好的出路。
Before 1973, the abortion issues experienced the periods of criminalization and decriminalization. 1973年之前,堕胎问题经历了从非法到合法化的两个阶段。
The object of anti-money laundering strategy can be realized through direct criminalization of money laundering, indirect controlling criminal proceeds, and anti-money laundering activities. 反洗钱战略目标可以通过直接的洗钱犯罪化、间接的控制犯罪收益和反洗钱这三个途径来实现。
The utilitarian theory, the course of freedom and abstract dangerous criminal afford the theory for making the drug abuse behavior criminalization. 功利主义论、原因自由行为的可罚性和抽象危险犯等理论为吸毒入罪提供了理论基础。