The investigation of intentional crimes is significant to guarantee correct crimination, and to perfect the criminal laws in China. 研究目的犯有助于在司法实践中正确认定犯罪,更有助于反观中国的犯罪构成体系,使其更加完善。
In addition, the crimination of negligent dangerous acts can only exist in the crime of endangering public safety, and the principle of criminal restrain must be followed to set up the penalty. 另外,过失危险行为犯罪化只应存在于危害公共安全的犯罪中,在设置刑罚时应遵循谦抑原则。
In China, there are three settings for crimination of illegal possession in Criminal Law. 我国刑法关于非法占有目的立法上的特点是罪状设置上采取了三种设置方式。
On Obligation Conflict Study of Crimination for Moral Obligation Breaches 义务冲突研究道德责任刑事化的置疑
New Study on the Requisites to Constitute Corruptions and the Crimination of Joint Corruptions 贪污罪要件及共同贪污定性新论
Only by presenting corresponding effective documents, can the consent of victim have the effectiveness to prevent a crimination and violation of the law. 被害人同意须具备相应的有效要件才能发生阻却刑法构成要件或阻却违法性的效力。
Plea bargaining can enhance out efficiency. Besides whether plea bargaining can be carried out in China is directly determined by the realization of legal crimination principles and criminal penalty function. 辩诉交易除了能够提高效率外,对罪刑法定原则和刑罚功能的实现的影响,直接关系到该制度能否在我国移植的问题。
Crimination and punishment on implicated crime in judicial practice 牵连犯在司法实践中的认定及处罚
The viewpoint of introducing plea bargain on crimination should not be supported whether we care for impartiality or efficiency. 其中的定罪辩诉交易制度,无论从诉讼公正抑或诉讼效率层面探究皆不能得到移植我国的适用的证据。
WTO rules contain "rules of general crimination of quantitative restrictions". However, under some exceptional circumstances members of WTO can be allowed to take measures on export restriction. 按照WTO规则,数量限制措施是被普遍禁止的,但是,在例外情形下,成员方的出口限制措施也是被允许的。