Multiple crises and natural disasters are testing even the most robust economies and communities. 多重危机和自然灾害正在考验着哪怕是最强劲的经济和社区。
This generation of Americans has been tested by crises that steeled our resolve and proved our resilience. 这一代美国人经历了危机的考验,经济危机坚定了我们的决心,证明了我们的恢复力。
And it has withstood the test of two financial crises. 香港经历了两次金融危机,都经受住了考验。
As with pandemics and financial crises, they are not open to negotiation. 与传染病和金融危机一样,它们是不容商议的。
Nonetheless, our findings indicate more than a reaction to short-term crises. 尽管如此,我们的研究结果表明短期危机出现了不止一个反应。
Financial crises cause deep economic crises. 金融危机引发了深度经济危机。
We can never eliminate financial crises, but we can reduce their likelihood and severity. 我们永远无法消除金融危机,但我们能降低其爆发的几率和严重性。
But few countries have avoided crises after financial liberalisation and global integration. 然而,很少有国家能在金融自由化和全球融合之后避免危机。
Confront and master the inevitable crises of life. 共同面对和掌控生活中不可避免的危机。
Without action our future will be disappointing global growth and periodic sovereign debt crises. 不采取行动,我们的未来将是令人失望的全球增长和周期性的主权债务危机。
Where there are conflicts and crises, there is opportunity. 哪里有冲突和危机,哪里就有机会。
The food, fuel and financial crises, however, have taken a heavy toll. 粮食,燃料和金融危机,但是,已经采取了沉重的代价。
In the face of fierce competition in modern society, an organization would have suffered setbacks and crises. 在竞争激烈的现代社会中,任何一个组织都会遭遇挫折和危机。
The Central African Republic political, economic, social and health crises feed into and aggravate one another. 中非共和国的政治、经济、社会和卫生危机互相推动和加剧。
Sovereign debt crises have been with us for many, many years. 主权债务危机已经存在许多、许多年了。
In the context of globalization, many countries in the world have identity crises. 在全球化的语境下,世界上许多国家都出现了认同危机。
The economy has grown and foreign policy crises have been resolved. 中国经济增长了,外交政策危机也得到了解决。
Both crises touched off a debate on business ethics and integrity. 这两次危机都引发了关于商业道德和诚信的辩论。
China-ASEAN relations have withstood the test of crises and disasters. 中国和东盟的关系经受住了风雨灾祸的考验。
This increases the risks of economic crises during famines. 而这也就加大了在饥荒时期爆发经济危机的风险。
Sufficient, I had confronted a crises with my last project. 足够的,我曾面对我的最后一个项目一危机。
All of these crises have global causes and global consequences. 所有这些危机皆有全球性原因,并导致全球性后果。
Technology is often accompanied by unintended consequences, however: pollution, global warming, pandemics and financial crises. 然而,技术也伴随着意料之外的后果:污染、全球变暖、流行病和金融危机。