She kept vigil at the bedside of her critically ill son 她整夜都守在病重的儿子床边。
This has given him a disposition to consider our traditions critically 这使他倾向以批判眼光看待我们的传统。
Most critically for ease of problem diagnosis, you can configure thresholds for each of the profile statistics. 对于轻松诊断问题最为关键的是,您可以为每个配置统计数据配置阈值。
As you can see, for vector processing, alignment and padding are both critically important. 如您所见,对于向量处理来说,对齐和填充都非常重要。
This task requires that you be able to think critically about what is important and what isn't. 此任务要求您能够以批判的思维考虑什么内容重要和什么内容不重要。
The quality of your unit tests also plays a critically important role in continuous integration. 你的单元测试的质量也在持续集成中扮演着一个及其重要的角色。
We should critically absorb foreign experience. 我们应该批判地吸收外国的经验。
She looked at it critically for a moment. 她评论性地看了一会儿这幅画。
This project, which is now largely completed, identifies nine critically important water energy research areas. 这个现已大致完成的项目,确认了九个重要的水能资源研究领域。
All endorsed the treaty as critically important to achieve peace. 所有人都支持这一条约,认为其对实现和平极其重要。
This is the first time the city transport incubator and ventilator to help critically ill newborns transferred. 这是本市首次利用转运暖箱和呼吸机帮助危重症新生儿转院。
And when we began to feel tired, we began to think critically. 当我们感到累了的时候,我们才开始严峻的思考。
First of all, you can critically observe their work habits. 首先,你要了解他们的工作习惯;
I'm an engineer, and that stuff is critically important. 我自己就是个工程师,这方面的工作非常重要。
She is also critically ill. 目前她也病危。
Rebuilding it would be critically important to the country's image and self-image at the best of times. 在美好时光,重建这种力量对国家形象和自我形象非常重要。
It should be critically inherited, so as to serve for the establishment of Chinese management mode. 对它应批判地继承,使之为建立中国化的管理模式服务。
Her voice held all the shock and condemnation of the small town, I thought critically. 她的声音里包含了这个小镇对此的震惊和责难,我下了如此判断。
No one we interviewed spoke critically of the princess or her brother. 在我们采访的人中没有一个人对公主或她的哥哥评头论足。
In school, I was taught to critically examine everything I was told. 在学校,我受到的教育让我以批判的眼光审视别人告诉我的一切。
They should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts, ways to brainstorm and think critically. 他们需要学习如何解决问题和化解冲突,头脑风暴和批判式思维。
Effect of Polarized Solution on Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolarity in Critically Ill Children Analgesics and medicines to control hypertension and diabetes. 止痛剂和控制高血压症和糖尿病的药物。
Your papers should critically assess some important aspect of one of the theories we have been discussing. 论文应批判性评价我们讨论过的某一理论的某重要方面。
We should critically assimilate whatever is Beneficial in literature and arts from other countries. 我们应当批判地吸收别国文学艺术中一切有益的东西。
Research of gene regulatory network is critically important for diagnosis and therapy of tumor. 提出了一种肿瘤特征基因筛选和基因调控网络的构建方法。
This helped him to view that society critically. 这有助于他批叛地看待那个社会。
Microbial degradation critically affects the fate and behavior of pesticides in soil. 生物降解主要影响土壤中农药的行为和命运。
This analysis of images is a good way as well to judge my own images critically. 这种对图片的分析是准确评判我自己图片的好方法。
You have read the book all right, but the point is that you haven't studied it critically. 你的确读过这本书,但问题是没有用批判的眼光去分析。