Sure, you can match his dodge, but what about ATK and crits. 也许你的躲避和他一样,但是攻击和暴击呢?
As to why we think resilience needs to reduce crits, it's because you're playing against another human and not an AI-controlled creature. 至于为什么我们要让韧性降低爆击,是因为你对抗的是人而不是AI控制的怪物。
These hits don't seem to proc shamanistic rage, but Windfury proc crits can activate flurry and unleashed rage. 这些命中看起来不能触发萨曼之怒,但是风怒的致命触发乱舞和无尽怒气。
Crits and comments welcome. I'll get my asbestos gear out just in case. 我将得到我的石绵以齿轮连起出仅仅以防万一。
Along with that on the other side of things we have Empowered Imp which is completely based around your Imp's crits. 除此之外,另一方面小鬼授权,是完全取决于小鬼的暴击的。