Thousands of frogs croaked in the reeds by the riverbank. 上千只青蛙在河岸边的芦苇荡里呱呱叫。
She croaked something unintelligible. 她声音沙哑地说了些含糊不清的话。
She moaned and croaked over sailors, and sea-port towns, and stormy weather. 她在叽叽咕咕地埋怨着水手,海岸上的城市,大风大雨的天气。
When he saw little Thumbelina in her tiny cradle, he croaked with delight. 当他看见小床里的拇指姑娘时,兴奋的呱呱大叫起来。
"Im Henry Day," I croaked, my voice raw with suffering. “我是亨利?戴。”我的声音沙哑,嗓子疼痛。
He sat on a water lily leaf and croaked sadly to himself,'I don't like it here. 他坐在睡莲叶和嘶哑伤心地对自己,'我不喜欢这里。
A frog has photobombed NASA's latest spacecraft launch-and could have croaked in the process. 一只青蛙意外出现在美国航空航天局最新发射火箭的照片中&也许它在被炸飞的时候还咕咕叫了几声。
She was out of breath-for Mr Dombey, full of great thoughts, had walked fast-and she croaked hoarsely as she waited for the opening of the door. 因为董贝先生脑子里在思考重大的事情,走得很快,所以她走得上气不接下气;当等着开门的时候,她嘶哑地发出了哭丧的声音。
Croaked Jacques Three, as he read greedily. 雅克三号贪婪地读着,嗓门嘶哑。
The people rudely pictured as drinking in the wine-shops, croaked over their scanty measures of thin wine and beer, and were gloweringly confidential together. 酒店广告上拙劣地画着喝酒的客人捧着少量的淡酒和啤酒在发牢骚,满脸是愤怒和机密。
The old fellow croaked before he could tell us who shot him. 那老人没来得及告诉我们是谁向他开的枪就断气了。
Croaked the man with the craving. There was an anticipative look in his eyes. 那带着渴望神情的人低沉地说。他眼露期望的神色。
How many times is it this year mamacita has almost croaked? 今年你妈有多少次几乎噎屁?
A couple of ravens croaked above our boat. 两只乌鸦在我们小船的上空嘎嘎叫着。
The crow croaked disaster. 乌鸦呱呱叫预报灾难。
OK,@ I croaked, not wanting to argue. 好的。我用嘶哑的声音说,我不想跟他争论。
When he croaked, the water snails listened politely, and the water beetles always swam behind him. 每当呱呱叫的时候,水蜗牛殷勤般地听着,水甲虫总是跟在它的身后。
He croaked a few words. 他低沉而沙哑地说出一些话来。
"That must never be," croaked Jacques three; “绝不能让他们跑掉,”雅克三号低沉地说。
After grandpa croaked, I inherited his pickup truck. 祖父过世后我继承了他的小卡车。
"It is a great pity," croaked Jacques Three, dubiously shaking his head, with his cruel fingers at his hungry mouth; 很遗憾,雅克三号低沉地说,含义不明地摇着脑袋,几根残忍的手指又在嘴边猴急地抓挠。