VERB (用不同方法或从不同出处)反复核对,交叉检查 If you cross-check information, you check that it is correct using a different method or source from the one originally used to obtain it.
You have to scrupulously check and cross-check everything you hear... 你必须仔细检查并多方核对你所听到的每一件事。
His version will later be cross-checked against that of the university... 之后会对他的说法与校方的说法进行多方核对。
They want to ensure such claims are justified by cross-checking with other records. 他们想要通过核对其他记录来确保这种主张是合理的。
The script then cross-checks that it is not one of the days selected by the user as a weekend day. 然后脚本再次确认它不是用户选择的周末之一。
But then she also is possessive and compulsively cross-checks. 然而她也是一个占有欲强、有点强迫症多疑的人。
Equally, in our own recent experience, when the economic analysis is complex and its conclusions uncertain, cross-checks with the monetary analysis have proved extremely useful. 同样,根据我们自己最近的经验,当经济分析颇为复杂且结论不确定时,与货币分析进行交叉验证极其有用。
The results of two international cross-checks of PIXE analysis 两次PIXE国际横向比对分析结果
Is different from the symptoms of syndrome factors in accordance with its inherent laws of the organic combination of the different symptom factors cross-checks with different specificity designate the contribution, which is produced non-linear complex relationships between the symptom factors causes. 证候是不同症状因子依其内在规律有机组合而成,不同症状因子对证候具有不同的特异性贡献,这也是产生症状因子之间非线性复杂关系的原因。