Cross-linguistically, the two commonest word orders are SVO and SOV, which account for approximately 90% of all the languages in the world. 人类语言最常见的两种基本语序为SVO和SOV。
Based on the property of the phonological component, this thesis claims that a relative pronoun is a resumptive pronoun at PF, and this resumptive strategy can extend to many other similar cases cross-linguistically. 基于音系部分的属性,文章认为关系代词是音系式上的一个复现代词,而这种复现策略又可推广于其他语言的相似案例。
Those items that are cross-linguistically different are difficult to acquire for L2 learners. Interestingly, the present study shows that the Pre-existence Condition is significantly harder for Chinese learners to acquire, but the Strong Volitional Condition not. 对于二语学习者来说,那些存在语言间差异的成分不易习得。但有趣的是,和预测结果不同,只有先存条件的习得十分困难,而强意愿性条件并没造成多大问题。
In order to prove and explain the core function and principles of similarity in metaphors, this thesis cross-linguistically explores and summarizes the universalities of similarity in both Chinese metaphors and English metaphors. 为了证实和解释相似性在隐喻构建中的核心作用和一般规律性,本文从跨语言视角来探索相似性,对相似性在英语和汉语隐喻中表现出的跨语言共性进行研究和总结。