Scientists know that homologous recombination repair is also required for the repair of DNA cross-links, but the exact details remain to be resolved, Chen said. 科学家知道,DNA交联修复过程中也需要同源生物再结合修复参与,但是精确的细节仍有待研究。
The ratio of cross-links to branches may be varied by altering the incidence of chain transfer. 通过改变引入的链转剂就可以改变交联与支链的比例。
DNA cross-links are produced mainly upon irradiation of dry DNA or bacterial spores. DNA交链主要由照射于DNA或细菌芽胞引起。
Your muscle fibers have begun to adhere to each other, developing cellular cross-links that prevent parallel fibers from moving independently. 肌肉纤维开始互相粘连,肌肉细胞相互交联在一起,使得相邻肌肉不能相互独立运动。
These like to form cross-links between protein molecules, and thus tend to hold such molecules together. 这两种氨基酸常在蛋白质分子之间形成交联,所以很容易使这些分子聚合在一起。
Studies on Interchain Isopeptide Cross-links of Protein Disulfide Isomerase; Exploring Kinase Inhibitors Binding Mode with Docking Method 蛋白质二硫键异构酶分子间异肽键交联的研究用分子对接搭建激酶-抑制剂复合物的三维结构
When termination occurs partly by disproportionation, the prepolymer chains in the product carry branches as well as cross-links. 当终止反应一部分是由歧化所起时,则在产物中预聚物链不但带有交联也带有支链。
Methods γ-rays and UVL were used as standard DNA breaking agents, the DNA cross-links in thymocytes of mice induced by formaldehyde were studied in vitro and vivo with single cell gel electrophoresis assay ( SCGE, comet assay). 方法分别以γ射线及紫外线作为标准断裂剂,用单细胞凝胶电泳技术对不同浓度甲醛诱导的小鼠胸腺淋巴细胞DNA交联作用进行体内及体外实验研究。
Formation of Interstrand DNA Cross-links in Rat Pulmonary Cells Induced by Soot 煤烟颗粒提取物致大鼠肺细胞DNA交联作用的研究
These fabrics have two outer surfaces connected together with U and V shaped knitted cross-links which are particularly developed for the light weight applications. 织物有两个外层,用U形或V形交连结构连接而成,主要应用领域为轻质复合材料。
Result: The Soot extraction can lead to interstrand DNA cross-links in calf thymus DNA and pulmonary cell DNA and there is the dose-responsive increase. 结果:煤烟颗粒提取物可以导致小牛胸腺DNA和大鼠肺细胞DNA产生交联,并存在剂量-反应关系。
Development of cross-links in muscular collagen and their effects on meat texture and tenderness 胶原蛋白交联的研究进展及其对肉的纹理和嫩度的影响
To probe the DNA cross-links induced by AA and its metabolic activation in calf thymus DNA, EB fluorescence assay was used. 以EB荧光法研究AA致牛胸腺DNA交联作用及其代谢活化。
Changes in the content and cross-links of intramuscular collagen ( IMC) can affect the quality of meat such as tenderness and water-holding capacity. 肌内胶原(IntramuscularCollagen,IMC)含量与性质的变化影响着肉品的嫩度、持水性能等肉品品质。
Conclusions Vitreous contraction and retinal extracellular edema were correlated. The main reason may be the cross-links of vitreous collagen that damages the stability of collagen structure. 结论视网膜细胞间水肿与玻璃体收缩有相关性,玻璃体胶原的相互交连并导致支架稳定性的破坏是其主要原因。
Recent Research Progress in DNA-protein Cross-links after Formaldehyde Exposure DNA-蛋白质交联在甲醛遗传毒性研究中的进展
In addition, according to the results of MCLR-induced DNA damage in vitro, MCLR can result in DNA strand break, but can not cause DNA Cross-links of the Calf Thymus DNA and Hep G2 Cells DNA. 此外,MCLR引起的DNA损伤方面的体外试验研究提示,MCLR的作用诱发了DNA的断裂,但是不能引起小牛胸腺DNA和HepG2细胞DNA-DNA交联。
Lysyl oxidase ( LOX) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of specific lysyl residues in collagen, then the cross-links among collagens begin to form. So, LOX is the key enzyme for the maturation of amnion, and copper ( Cu) is its essential active cofactor. 赖氨酰氧化酶(LOX)能氧化胶原纤维中的赖氨酸残基,从而启动胶原纤维间交联的形成,是胶原纤维发育成熟的关键酶,微量元素铜(Cu)是LOX的活性基团。
The occurrence of DNA cross-links appeared to have increased 18.2%, 23.7% and 31.4% respectively in every dose group, and the extent of DNA strand breaks in the high dose group could be induced up to 3.6 fold compared to that of control group. 与对照组相比,各剂量组检测到的DNA交联率分别增加了182%、237%和314%,最高剂量组检测到的平均彗尾长度是对照组的36倍。
The results again substantiate that to form an interchain disulfide bond is critical in promoting subsequent isopeptide bond cross-links. 实验结果再次证实形成链间二硫键对于促进异肽交联起重要作用这一观点。
Objective To explore the DNA cross-links in thymocytes of formaldehyde exposed mice and explore genotoxic effects of formaldehyde and possible mechanism. 目的研究甲醛对小鼠胸腺淋巴细胞DNA的交联作用,探讨甲醛的遗传毒性作用及机制。
The functional properties of food proteins may be modified by altering the natural crosslinks or by introducing new crosslinks into the protein structure by enzyme microbial transglutaminase ( MTGase) through formation of covalent cross-links. 食品蛋白质的功能性质可以通过改变天然的交联形式或者使用转谷氨酰胺酶(以下简称MTGase)在蛋白结构中引入新的交联来改变。
For these reasons, it has become a focal point in recent years that cross-links corresponding radionuclide or chemical medicine to the monoclonal antibody or antagonist peptide against integrin α V β 3 to carry out targeting diagnosis or treatment on the tumor. 因此,选择整合素αVβ3特异的单克隆抗体或者拮抗肽,通过其偶联相应的示踪剂或化疗药物实现对肿瘤的导向诊断和治疗,是近年肿瘤研究的一个热点。
A Comparison between the effects on DNA-protein cross-links of Saccharomyces and E.coli induced by formaldehyde 甲醛致酵母菌与大肠杆菌DNA-蛋白质交联作用的比较
Once the C2-adduct of dCMP are produced, either a fatal gene mutation during DNA replication or DNA-DNA, DNA-protein cross-links, leading to more complicated damage of DNA, might occur. 反应中一旦形成了C2-位单羟基加合物,则极有可能在DNA复制过程中引起致命的基因突变,也可能诱发DNA-DNA以及DNA-蛋白质的链间交联,引起更复杂的损伤。
And the third way is a comprehensive use the first two. Teachers provide students with incomplete concept maps, and students read and understand reading text, and then complete the withheld concepts, cross-links or hierarchies. 第三种方式是前两者的综合,教师为学生提供不完整的概念图,学生通过对文章的阅读和理解,完成对所缺概念,连接语或层级关系的补充。
Numerical implementations are given for both upper atmosphere UAV-UAV cross-links ( near field) and uplink/ downlink communication propagation paths ( far field). 计算了上层大气UAV-UAV交叉结合(近场)和上行/下行通信传播路径(远场)具体的数值结果。
But the cross-links between "bilateral" strategy to achieve the current disorderly market adjustment fully accomplished, there is a certain degree of market risk. 但跨链间的双边策略的实现目前完全依靠市场无序的调节来完成,存在着较大的市场风险。
As the automated system has great forward in the Management-Control Integration System, the field of process control, communications, computers and many other areas of technology cross-links become more closely. 随着自动化系统向管控一体化方向的大幅迈进,过程控制领域、通信、计算机等多种领域的技术交叉联系愈发密切。