The crosstab report also displays the change in filters. 这样交叉报表也会显示过滤后结果。
The report author also decides to section the crosstab on Product line. 报告作者还决定在Productline上分区交叉表。
Select the crosstab and then in the Properties pane, change the Query property to use the Combined Cubes query. 选择这个交叉表,然后在Properties窗格中,将Query属性修改为使用CombinedCubes查询。
Consider a crosstab report showing revenue for all product lines by retailer region. 看看这样一个报告:报告按零售商区域显示所有产品线的收入。
This crosstab projected is illustrated by the following image. 这个已投射的交叉表如下图所示。
The sectioning of the crosstab places the Product line query item into the header and generates a master-detail relationship. 交叉表的分区将Productline查询项目放置到标头中,生成了一个“主-细节”关系。
In this final step, we will create a page which will contain both the Prompt Report and the Multi-page portlet which will display the pie chart and crosstab reports. 在最后一步,我们将创建一个包含PromptReport与显示饼状图和交叉报表的多页面Portlet的页面。
The following image displays these changes to the layout of the crosstab. 下图显示了交叉表布局的这些更改。
In order to run this report without error using Dynamic Query Mode, the master-detail relationship between the list section and the crosstab will have to be split into two separate queries. 要以DynamicQueryMode正确执行这个报告,必须将列表分区和交叉表之间的“主-细节”关系(master-detailrelationship)分割为两个独立查询。
A crosstab projects Country and Sales region respectively on the rows. 交叉表将Country和Salesregion分别映射到行上。
Within the following crosstab the report author projected the Year as the rows and a calculation which uses the tuple function on the columns. 在下面的交叉表中,报告作者将Year投射为行,将一个使用tuple函数的计算投射在列上。
This report will contain detail data for product revenue in crosstab format. 这个报表将以交叉表格式显示详细的产品收益数据。
For this report run only nulls are being suppressed on both the row and column edge of the crosstab. 对于该报表运行,仅在交叉表的行和列边缘上抑制了nulls。
As this report executes, a Structured Query Language ( SQL) trace on the query database would reveal that the SQL used to populate the crosstab is sent down once for each of the order methods. 执行此报表时,查询数据库上的结构化查询语言(SQL)跟踪会显示,将为每个Order方法发送一次用于填充交叉表的SQL。
The error is caused by the master-detail relationship between the list section showing Product line and the crosstab. 这个错误由显示Productline的列表分区和交叉表之间的“主-细节”关系(master-detailrelationship)导致。
The report in this example will be a crosstab. 这个例子的报表将是一个交叉表。
When you open a select or crosstab query in Datasheet view, you are actually executing the query. 当在“数据表”视图中打开选择或交叉表查询时,实际是在执行查询。
Tabular reports and matrix reports, also known as crosstab or pivot table reports, are easily created using the report wizard. 使用报表向导很容易创建表格报表和矩阵报表(也称为交叉表或透视表报表)。
We use a matrix region for the crosstab portion of the report. 我们对报表的交叉表部分使用了一个矩阵区域。
The dynamic Crosstab and data cube feature. 动态交叉表和数据立方体特性。
You can only save select, crosstab, and union queries to this format. 只能将选择、交叉表和联合查询保存为这种格式。
For more information about creating select queries, see the topic Create a select or crosstab query ( MDB). 有关创建选择查询的详细信息,请参阅主题创建选择或交叉表查询(MDB)。
This wizard creates a crosstab query that displays data in a compact, spreadsheet-like format. 该向导创建的交叉表查询可以以一种紧凑的、类似电子表格的形式显示数据。
Replace crosstab table with PivotTable report? 是否以数据透视表替换交叉分析表?
To include fields from more than one table, create a query containing all the fields you need and then use this query to make the crosstab query. 如要包含多个表中的字段,请创建一个含有所需全部字段的查询,然后用这个查询创建交叉表查询。
In the year column, click the crosstab row, and then click column heading. 在“年”列中,单击“交叉表”行,然后单击“列标题”。
Crosstab query contains one or more invalid fixed column headings 交叉表查询包含一个或多个无效固定的列号
If you aren ′ t familiar with either type of query, see the topic Create a select or crosstab query ( MDB) or Update existing data with an update query. 如果您对任何一种查询类型不熟悉,请参见主题创建选择或交叉表查询(MDB)或用更新查询更新现有数据。