Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness-who dares to rouse him? 你屈下身去,卧如公狮,蹲如母狮,谁敢惹你?
But as long as he crouches, and skulks, and shirks his work, every creature that has weight will be treading on his toes, and-crushing him; 但只要他们蹲下、溜走和逃避工作,每一个有重量的生灵都会踏上他们脚趾,碾碎他。
Cyndie crouches beside him on the sidewalk. Cyndie蹲在他旁边的人行道上。
Unless one crouches behind prisoners, and they fall behind the slain? By all this his anger is not turned; his hand is still outstretched. 他们只得屈身在被掳的人以下,仆倒在被杀的人以下。虽然如此,耶和华的怒气还未转消,的手仍然伸出。
A Malaysian flower mantis, which crouches among flowers awaiting unsuspecting prey. 一只马来西亚花螳螂,蜷缩在鲜花中等待不期而遇的猎物。
But the kitten, how she starts; Crouches, stretches, paws, and darts! 但是这小猫,她启动,弓腰,伸展,张爪,然后扑跳。