One of the croupiers, a blonde girl, beckoned him to join the twenty-one table. 那个发牌员是个金发碧眼的女孩,示意他加入到第二十一点的赌局中。
The territory's infrastructure is strained; small businesses and even government departments are losing staff to casinos, creating a society of croupiers; and even well-paid young casino employees are finding it hard to get on to the property ladder. 澳门地区的基础设施紧张;小型企业、甚至政府部门的员工都在流向赌场,正在形成一个赌场跑堂的社会;同时,即便是赌场里收入丰厚的年轻员工,也发现很难买房。
People who share Father Xavier's concerns about his new neighbour, which is just one of many big integrated resorts in the pipeline, worry that Macao risks becoming a society of croupiers. 沙维尔神父的这个新邻居,只是众多大型在建综合性娱乐场所之一。很多人与沙维尔神父带有同样的忧虑,担心澳门会变成一个全民办赌场的社会。
Even the casinos are mostly Chinese-owned and most of the croupiers, bar staff and prostitutes are recruited from across the border. 就连那些赌场也大多为中国人所有,赌场的大部分管理员、酒吧员工和娼妓也都是从中国境内招来的。