A simple snapshot of your heaping dish may show your extra helping of cheese or deep-fried croutons. 只是简单的为你那堆积得高高的盘子拍张照,也许就会让你打消再吃块奶酪或油煎面包块的念头。
Spinach salads can be prepared with low fat croutons, a handful of bacon bits, low-fat spinach salad dressing, a small handful of sunflower seeds, and a couple of hardboiled egg whites with 1 yolk a tasty fresh salad. 还可以用低脂的油炸面包丁、一把培根片、低脂的菠菜沙拉酱、少量的向日葵的种子和几个煮熟的蛋白与一个蛋黄制作菠菜沙拉美味和新鲜的沙拉。
The fruit slivers were placed on a bed of romaine lettuce, topped with croutons and drizzled with walnut oil. 水果切片被放置在长叶莴苣的底床上,顶端放上面包丁,淋上核桃油。
A salad is typically a good choice, but be aware that dressings and toppings like cheese and croutons can add fat and calories. 沙拉是非常典型的好选择,但是注意像奶酪和油炸面包丁这样的调料会增加脂肪和热量含量。
Instead of fatty croutons, add more texture to your salad by including pumpkin or sunflower seeds. 不用脂肪烤面包屑,加一些质感到你的沙拉,包括南瓜或是向日葵种子。
And croutons in the pea soup, if you please. 请帮忙往豌豆汤里加点儿面包块。
Okay. Well, for appetizers, we have a lovely Belgian Endive Salad with garlic croutons. 好的。嗯,开胃菜,我们有可爱的比利时菊苣沙拉,配上蒜味烤面包片。
Serve over greens with croutons and a lemon wedge. 本品适合于伴着烤面包片及绿色蔬菜和柠檬楔食用。
So God said," try my fresh green salad. "and Satan presented Thousand-Island dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side. 因此上帝说,“试试我的新鲜绿色沙拉。”而撒旦却在边上呈现了千岛酱,油炸面包小块和蒜茸土司面包。
Seared beef with parmesan, garlic croutons, rocket and poached quail eggs. 煎牛肉配芝士,蒜味面包粒,生菜及水煮鹌鹑蛋。
Typically having fried croutons and dressing made with a raw egg. flaked fish baked in a loaf with bread crumbs and various seasonings. 典型地含有油炸碎面包片和生鸡蛋做成的敷料。呈条状的烘焙的鱼片,敷有面包屑和多种调料。