Three years after they first met, Chloe and Michael married, and the painting now has pride of place in the living room of the couple's home in Worcester Park near Croydon in Surrey. 克洛伊和迈克尔在相识三年后结婚,而现在这副油画已经挂在这对新人位于萨里郡克里登市附近的伍斯特帕尔克公园的家中,画挂在了起居室最显眼的地方。
Croydon says for it to work, the partners 'emphasis is still on a genuine relationship, in that there is romance and sparks but without all the monotony and obligation of a full-time relationship. 克罗伊登说,为了进展顺利,还是要强调伴侣的真实关系,因为既有浪漫和激情,但又完全没有专任伴侣的单调和义务。
Croydon says she never wants to get married or have kids. 克罗伊登说,她从来没想结婚生子。
Croydon explores what she calls low-maintenance relationships in her new book Screw the Fairytale: A Modern Girl's Guide to Sex and Love, in which she debunks the traditional ideal of the omnipresent partner. 克罗伊登在她的新书《搞乱神话:现代女孩性与爱的指南》中探索她所谓的低频来往,在书中她揭开了无所不在的伴侣的传统理念。
Croydon admits it's not for everyone. 克罗伊登承认,网站并非适合每个人。
Croydon might soon be named British Ambassador to Washington. 克罗伊敦可能即将被提名为英国驻华盛顿大使。
The next record is dedicated to bill, who lives in croydon. 下一张唱片是献给住在克洛顿的比尔的。
In Croydon a family-owned furniture store that had survived the Blitz succumbed to arson. 在克里登,一家家庭经营的家具店逃过了二战时德国对英国的空袭,却没有躲过暴徒纵火的毒手。
The question was addressed without preliminaries as the living-room door opened and the Duchess of Croydon appeared. I'm going to be straight with you. We want you back, Bruce. 克罗伊敦公爵夫人刚从起居室门口走出来,就开门见山地问道。我打算开门见山地和你谈谈。我们想要你回来,布鲁斯。
However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go to Croydon for an interview. 但是,三天后收到一封来信,让我去克罗伊登面试。
You change at Lewes and East Croydon. 到路易斯和东克罗伊登转车。