When an economy is humming along, unsatisfied employees can quit cruddy jobs with relative gusto. 经济形势良好时,对工作不满意的员工可以辞掉令他不爽的工作,但对未来还是相对乐观。
Randal: You blame life for dealing you a cruddy hand, never once accepting responsibility for your situation. 你诅咒生活待你不公,却从不为自己的境遇承担责任。
Cruddy lung, smoking through a hole in your throat. 令人作呕的肺,喉咙上被烟吸的千疮百孔。
Yet the biggest joy about saying goodbye to casual is that we say goodbye to some of the cruddy thinking that went with it. 不过,告别休闲装束的最大乐趣,在于告别某些与休闲装束同在的坏思想。
For this special occasion, he was wearing his treasured "My parents went to Japan and all I got was this cruddy T-shirt" shirt. 为了这个特殊的场合,他穿上了他最珍贵的T恤衫,上面写着“我父母去了一趟日本,我得到的所有的东西就是这件破衬衫”。
She was wearing a cruddy old sweatshirt. 她穿着一件很难看的旧运动衫。
Iraq ain't my fault; the intelligence was cruddy. 伊拉克这事不怪我,是情报错误。