Bake the mixture for 30 minutes until the top is golden and crunchy. 将混合物烘烤30分钟,直到顶部变脆呈金黄色。
If drinking your breakfast isnt your style, a simple bacon and eggs or some crunchy muesli can do the trick. 如果喝东西作早餐不合你的口味,熏肉鸡蛋或什锦早餐应该可以了吧。
The word "cereal" has been hijacked, however, by food producers who make tiny, crunchy breakfast cakes out of true cereal with the addition of sugar, corn syrup, salt, food dyes and preservatives. 然而“谷物”这个词被食品制造商给滥用了,他们用谷物添加糖份、玉米糖浆、盐份、食用色素和防腐剂生产出小型、松软的早餐蛋糕。
Final orders of fried chicken wings, duck-filled pot stickers and steamed buns and crunchy, golden-brown potatoes were greedily gobbled, last-supper style. 最后一次点炸鸡翅、鸭肉锅贴、包子和金黄色的松脆土豆,吃起来狼吞虎咽,颇有最后晚餐的感觉。
I heard, you know, kind of a squishy, crunchy pop. 我听到,你知道,听到很脆的声音。
Walking silently through a forest of dead leaves or crunchy snow was no easy feat. 想悄悄的穿过充满落叶的树林或布满积雪地面都并非易事。
South dumpling variety," genre", the most famous Ningbo "black foreign crunchy" dumpling. 南方的汤团有多种“流派”,现在最出名的是宁波的“黑洋酥”汤团。
Notoriously difficult to extract from their shells, they are expensive but have a delicious creamy flavour and crunchy texture. 难以提取的炮弹,他们是昂贵的,但有一个美味的奶油香味和脆脆的质感。
The cake layers are crunchy just like cookies and the chocolate cream filling and the two toppings, caramel sauce and oatmeal topping make it a delicious cake. 就像是层层包裹的蛋糕、饼干和巧克力霜两充所作,焦糖酱、燕麦粥高居使它美味蛋糕。
The result is always the same: a deliciously light and crunchy snack that everybody loves. 结果总是一样的:一轻,松脆可口小吃,大家都喜欢。
And the dinner will end by crunchy chocolate cake with caramelized pears and hazelnut praline ice cream. 此外,您还将品尝到诱人的脆巧克力蛋糕配焦糖生梨和榛仁冰淇淋。
Crisp carrot and celery sticks; a firm apple; crunchy lettuce. 脆萝卜和芹菜杆;鲜脆的苹果;鲜脆的莴苣。
When harvest time comes, I picked so many crunchy cucumbers and delicious tomatoes. 在收获的季节,我摘了许多香脆可口的黄瓜,还有西红柿。
When fixing a salad, sprinkle rolled oats or crunchy whole-grain cereal for added fiber, so you'll feel full. 在做沙拉的时候,撒些燕麦片或者酥脆的全粒谷物来增加纤维素,这样你吃了就会觉得很饱。
They are crispy and crunchy like lettuce. 它们像芹菜一样是清脆的。
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. 不要插手凶龙恶兽的事,因为你是松脆的,而被涂上番茄酱后味道好极了。
Layered with home-cooked mocha and lots of crunchy Californian walnuts. 蛋糕中夹着一层层自制的摩卡和鲜脆的加州核桃。
They believe that the best honey is crunchy, and proudly offer their guests honey filled with fragments of waxy honeycomb and bits of dead baby bees. 他们认为最好的蜂蜜是嚼起来嘎吱作响的那种,因此,自豪地给客人拿出的蜂蜜里面都是蜡状蜂窝的碎片和死幼蜂的尸体。
Why is my yogurt crunchy? 为什么这酸奶脆脆的?
Whether it is in delectable desserts or crunchy candy, people the world over are still in love with chocolate. 无论是在美味的甜点里,还是在酥脆的糖果中,世界各地的人们依旧对巧克力迷恋不已。
But then again I like the lovely gherkins and the crisp crunchy lettuce. 话说回来,我也喜欢可爱的小黄瓜和鲜脆的生菜。
In the last few years, we've allowed the crunchy to enter our smooth ice cream space& first berries, then chips, nuts, crumbled cookies, also sweet and gooey we welcomed. 近几年来,人们又在爽滑的冰淇淋中加入了松脆的配料&先是浆果,后是薯片、果仁、碎饼干,仍然是我们所喜欢的那种又甜又粘的口味。
There were wilted green vegetables, small pancakes, fired ginseng and lotus root, sweet potatoes, squares of tofu, crunchy seaweed chips about 20 dishes in total, much more than even the hungriest could eat. 有萎蔫了的蔬菜、小煎饼、炒人参和莲藕、番薯、豆腐块、脆海苔片总共约有20道,即使是饥肠辘辘的人也吃不完。
It should be extremely crisp, but not crunchy or tough. 面包皮应该非常酥脆,但是不会嘎吱作响或太硬。
The latest research on carrots shows these sweet, crunchy veggies may help control blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. 对胡萝卜的最新研究显示,这些甜而脆蔬菜可能有助于控制血糖水平,减少糖尿病的危险。
I like toast best when it's really crunchy. 我最喜欢烤得松脆的面包片。
Park officials insist it's safe to eat the crunchy critters, but health officials are cautioning participants. 游乐园官员坚持说,吃下这种脆脆的昆虫对人体是无害的,但健康部门官员警告游客这种行为不可取。
I bet it made a crunchy sound. 我想肯定有嘎吱嘎吱声。
I can see why. Fresh batons of crunchy greens are stir-fried with bits of briny preserved salted fish, which add a real zing and savoury flavour to an otherwise bland dish. 我能明白为什么松脆的绿色植物嫩杆同腌制的咸鱼丁用旺火煸炒,使本应平庸乏味的菜肴散发出真正的生气和诱人的香味。