Modification of β-carotene hydroxylase using the means of biology engineering will give a new approach for generation of crop plants that will withstand stress caused by excessive sunlight and for mass production of β-cryptoxanthin. 采用基因工程手段改造β-羟化酶基因,将为培养高抗逆性作物和大规模生产β-隐黄素提供新途径。
β-carotene content was lower than lutein, zeaxanthin and β-cryptoxanthin content and α-carotene was less than β-carotene. 结果表明,柑橘果皮和果肉中均以叶黄质、玉米黄素、β-隐黄质为主,β-胡萝卜素含量较低,α-胡萝卜素极低;
β-Carotene Hydroxylase is a key enzyme in the pathway of carotenoid biosynthesis in plants, which catalyses the conversion of β-carotene to zeaxanthin through β-cryptoxanthin. -β胡萝卜素羟化酶是植物类胡萝卜素合成代谢中的关键酶,它催化了植物中β-胡萝卜素经中间产物β-隐黄素合成玉米黄素的过程。
Among identified carotenoids, β-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin were relatively abundant and accounted for 8.00% and 6.78% of total carotenoids respectively; 在采收期果皮中,已鉴定的类胡萝卜素中以β-隐黄质和玉米黄素较丰富,占总类胡萝卜素的8·00%和6·78%;
Carrot and tomato are common edible vegetables for people and in which there are many carotenoids such as P-carrotene, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. 胡萝卜和番茄是人们经常食用的两种蔬菜,富含多种类胡萝卜素。
In fruits of most Citrus reticulata verities, β-cryptoxanthin was the main carotenoid component in pulp and its content approximated lutein content in peel. 在宽皮柑橘中,果肉以积累β-隐黄质为主,果皮β-隐黄质与叶黄质含量接近。
The rise of fruit color a is related with the increase of red pigment such as cryptoxanthin, lycopene and β-carotene. 果实a值的上升,与隐黄质、番茄红素、β-胡萝卜素等颜色偏红的色素含量大幅度升高有关;无色和黄色玻璃纸处理使得果实色泽偏红。
β-Cryptoxanthin was the most abundant composition in the peel and flesh, which accounted for about 20-30% of total coloured carotenoids in both cultivars. β-隐黄质是柿果皮和果肉中最主要的类胡萝卜素成分,占所有品种总有色类胡萝卜素的20-30%。