This Nobel Prize continues the proud tradition of recognizing crystallographers who are among the most persistent and fearless of all scientists. 这项奖项延续了光荣的传统,是对于所有科学家中坚持不懈、无所畏惧的晶体学研究者的认可。
The breakthrough became possible because of detailed manipulation, trial and error and sheer persistence ( a trait shared by many protein crystallographers). 这个重大突破得自精细的操作、反复尝试和不懈坚持(很多蛋白质晶体研究者所共有的特点)。
Membrane proteins have always been the bane of crystallographers and GPCRs were especially recalcitrant. 膜蛋白的存在形式是使得结晶化失败的原因,而gpcrs尤其顽抗。
Supramolecular chemistry is a leading crossing discipline which covers many fields, such as information science, material science, life science, etc. It has brought about wide-ranging interdisciplinary collaborations among inorganic and organic chemists, physicists, crystallographers and biochemists. 超分子化学是一门交叉前沿学科,涉及的领域包括信息科学、材料科学和生命科学等。它的发展促进了有机合成化学、无机化学、物理学、晶体学以及生物化学家之间广泛的合作。