The overflow sewer treatment facility is the main method in controlling the combined sewer overflows ( CSOs), and flow-field distribution in the sedimentation tank is the key factor of successful operations. 合流制溢流污水处理装置是控制溢流污染的主要措施,而沉淀池的流态是决定其运行效果的关键因素。
Chapter 4 introduced Readhead's and Fanti's models of CSOs, the differences of the models were discussed. 第四章分析了Readhead和Fanti的工作,对两个模型的联系作了深入的分析。
By these false alarms made by IDS, system administrators or CSOs make wrong decisions and important data may be exposed or the availability of network or server system may be exhausted. 入侵检测系统的错误警报会导致系统管理员或者安全人员做出错误的决定,使重要的数据暴露,网络的可用性或服务系统耗尽。