Once again, the SQL has been broken down into individual, easy-to-understand pieces, using CTEs; each piece representing a particular stage of the original WebSphere DataStage job. 同样,SQL被使用CTE拆分成易于理解的几个小块;每个小块代表原始的WebSphereDataStage作业的一个特定的stage。
The CTEs increased with increasing of the sintering temperature and sample's density. 热膨胀系数值随烧结温度的提高和烧结致密度的提高而增加;
The conclusion is that the riskprevention/ control mechanism is defective in most CTEs. 研究认为,大部分乡镇企业财务风险的防范/控制机制存在较大的缺陷。
CTEs are vital source of farmers 'income and important places to transfer rural surplus labors, but their capital-intensive growth mode leads to decrease of their absorbing labor force ability. 乡镇企业是农民工资性收入的重要来源,是农业剩余劳动力转移的重要途径,然而乡镇企业资本密集型增长方式却导致吸纳劳动力能力下降。
CTEs 'Capital-Intensive Growth and Its Influence to Farmers' Income 乡镇企业资本密集型增长及其对农民收入的影响分析
CBR for Cotton Textile Crafts and Arts Expert System ( CTES) is a practical application of the theory. 棉纺工艺专家系统(CTES)就是该理论在棉纺领域的具体应用。
A multi agent model is proposed for analyzing the China Advanced Info Optical Network Traffic Engineering System. 在中国高速信息示范网业务流设计(CTES)中,为了解决用户任务的达成问题,提出了一个用于业务流设计的多Agent模型&TEMAM。
A New Measurement Method Based on Rules of Network Traffic in CTES CTES中基于规则的网络业务流测量新方法
It is testified by experiment that CTES prototype system can reason effectively according to the input of the users and educe appropriate crafts and arts. 通过实验证明,所完成的CTES原型系统能够根据用户的输入进行有效的推理并得出所需的工艺。