Clearly, so-called QR codes small square patterns that look like Cubist renderings of a traditional barcode ( right) have become ubiquitous. 显而易见,这类所谓的二维码(QRcode,QuickResponsecode)现如今已随处可见,它采取小小的正方形图案,看起来就像用立体表现的传统条码。
The museum houses several of his Cubist masterpieces. 博物馆收藏了他的几件立体派杰作。
Even the zig-zag camouflage used in modern warfare was suggested by Cubist art. 甚至现代战争中使用的之字形伪装也受到了立体派艺术的启发。
Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time. 立体派画家所画的内容为人与物,画面同时呈现人与物的各个面。
This Cubist vision of the world introduced a new period in the history of art and influenced all the forms of self-expression in the first half of the twentieth century: sculpture, architecture, ballet, theater design, and all the decorative arts. 这种对世界的立体感开创了绘画史上的一个新时期,并影响了20世纪上半叶的自我表现的各种形式:雕塑、建筑、舞剧、舞台设计和所有的装饰艺术。
Eliot's Waste Land ( 1922); the Cubist paintings of Picasso and Braque; and the12-note music of Webern and Schoenberg. 爱略特的《荒原》(1922)、毕加索与巴罗克的立体派绘画以及韦伯恩与勋伯格的12音音乐等。
He started off with kinematic experiments derived from the still novel cinema and used its special capability of showing successive sequences in the course of motion in a cubist or futuristic manner. 他开创了源于仍然新奇的影像的运动学试验,并以立体派或未来主义的方式运用了它独特的能表现一个运动过程的连续顺序的功能。
From the Cubist collages of Picasso and Braque to the final works of Matisse, artists in the West have used cut paper forms for a wide variety of formal and expressive purposes. 从毕卡索、布朗特的立体派抽象拼贴画,到马蒂斯的晚期作品,西方的艺术家基于形式和表达的需要,也广泛地使用着剪纸这种艺术形式。
In the Cubist tradition, Caro has long seized on found objects and used them as the basis for his sculptures. 在立体主义传统,认可早已检发现的物体,以此为基础,他的雕塑。
In both style and subject, his Cubist works became even more unrestricted. 无论从风格与绘画的对象上,他的“立体印象派”创作变得更加自由。
By this time it was less easy to discern a single Cubist school. 这时已不大容易识别出一个单独存在的立体学派。
The chaos and panic of the bomb scene is shown in flat, Cubist planes. 炸弹轰炸时的混乱和恐慌场景通过立体主义的手法展现出来。
With SPIRAL the work of Fumihiko Maki, as analytical object, this article expounds the theory of architecture related to the innovation of painting in the vision of cubist art. 以(?)文彦之作品SPIRAL为分析对象,在立体主义艺术视野中,探讨了与绘画革新理念相关的建筑学理论。
The previous colorization for night-vision technology did not take the relationship between scene depth and the color expression of the image into account, depriving the colorized night vision image of cubist vision. 以往的彩色夜视技术都没有考虑到色彩的表达与景物深度的关系,从而使得彩色化后的夜视图像缺少立体感。
Cubism artists directly to the canvas are finished collage to form a so-called "comprehensive painting", this collage has become a symbol of integrated Cubist painting. 立体派的艺术家们直接将现成品拼贴到画布上,从而形成了所谓的综合绘画,由此拼贴就成了综合立体派绘画的象征。
France Cubist painter Bo Lake in 1911 by the "Portuguese" pioneering this method. 法国立体派画家勃拉克1911年所作《葡萄牙人》首创此法。
In Tender Buttons, images and phrases often come together in surprising ways& similar in manner to cubist painting. 在《软纽扣》中,意象和短语通常以让人出乎意料的方式联系在一起,就像立体主义的绘画作品。
Since the early 20th century Cubist painters started painting the introduction of ready-made materials, trying to break the traditional painting of the "false reality"-that is, two-dimensional plane in the tradition of depicting three-dimensional perspective technique. 自20世纪初,立体派画家们开始将现成材料引入绘画创作,试图打破传统绘画中的虚假的真实&即在二维平面上描绘三维空间的传统透视作画技法。
The third chapter turns to the internal tension between Cubist collages and mass culture. 在第三章中,我们转向拼贴与大众文化之间的紧张关系。