Sometimes the mother bird starves her own offspring because of the cuckoos incessant de-mands. 有时候,母鸟把自己的孩子活活饿死了,就因为布谷鸟不断地要吃的。
Herons plodded the shores, kingfishers and cuckoos clattered from sunlight to shade, great turkeylike birds fussed in dead branches, and hawks hung overhead. 苍鹭在岸边缓缓地迈着步子,翠鸟和杜鹃欢叫着从阳光里飞入树荫,火鸡模样的大鸟在枯枝间忙碌,鹰在头上盘旋。
Cuckoos are famous for laying their eggs ing the nests of other birds. 布谷鸟以在其他鸟的巢里下蛋而闻名。
All cuckoos are born female; some become males later in life, usually after experiencing motherhood for several years first. 所有的cuckoowrasse鱼刚生下来时都是雌性的,后来其中的一些雌鱼在当了几年母亲后,会转变成雄鱼。
Yet the US economy is roughly six times as large as the UK's. The UK's cuckoos are too big. 然而美国经济的规模是英国大约6倍。英国的坏账过于庞大。
You see there are cuckoos and azaleas as well as the Azalea Pond at Huanglong. 你想黄龙既有杜鹃鸟又有杜鹃花,还有我们面前的杜鹃映彩池。
And what cuckoos say, you know. 杜鹃怎么叫,你知讲。
Hello everyone, We are cuckoos, I would like to introduce The Chinese food and food culture for you. 大家好,我们是杜鹃,我们将向您介绍中国美食以及饮食文化。
Cuckoos would have good reason to do so, since the warblers and other small birds in whose nests they lay their eggs are understandably frightened of hawks, and give them a wide berth. 从柳莺和它的小型鸟类在自已的鸟巢里产了鸟蛋后被鹰吓得飞得很远,杜鹃有很好的理由模仿雀鹰。
In previous years, I have seen Lesser Cuckoos in Chi Gu in mid May. 过去几年的五月中旬,个人常在七股记录到小杜鹃,有几次还在鸣唱。
From the recesses of this knot of foliage the loud notes of three cuckoos were resounding through the still air. 在这一簇一簇树叶的幽深处,三只杜鹃的啼叫声透过静止的空气在回响着。
They have tested the idea that cuckoos mimic hawks& or, at least, that warblers think cuckoos look hawklike. 他们已测试了这种观点,杜鹃模仿老鹰&或者,至少鸣禽认为杜鹃看起来像老鹰。
Baby cuckoos oust other baby birds from their nests. 布谷鸟的雏鸟把其他鸟的雏鸟逐出巢外。小鸟离开其巢去觅食。
Presumed non-hepatic morph adult Lesser Cuckoos have shown this same contrast, between a very dark rump ( which does not contrast with the tail) and a paler upper back. 假设非赤色型的小杜鹃也会出现这样的对比:暗色的腰部(与尾羽不形成对比)和比较淡色的上背部。
Amid fears cuckoos are falling victim to an ever more unsettled climate and aggressive modern farming methods, the charity asked Britons to go on alert for the noisy birds. 由于担心它会成为日趋多变的气候以及掠夺式的现代耕作方法的牺牲品,该慈善团体要求英国人特别留意这种聒噪的鸟儿。
I have read that the amount of yellow on the lower mandible might be useful for cuckoos, but don't know how. 我读过文章说下嘴的黄色部位比例也许对判断杜鹃科种类有用,但是我不清楚如何运用。