He clipped his cufflinks neatly in place. 他把袖扣别得整整齐齐。
Just as suits and jackets come in lighter fabrics for summer and heavier versions for winter, so, too, do bags, underwear, scarves and cufflinks. 就如夏季款的西装及夹克衫比冬季款更轻薄那样,箱包、内衣、围巾及袖扣也是如此。
Alternatively, you can change in the loo and risk dropping your cufflinks or clutch purse down the U-bend. 作为备选方案,你也可以在洗手间更衣,那就要冒将衬衫链扣或钱包掉进马桶的风险。
So you can think of it as the standard car with cufflinks and a nice watch. 所以你可以把她看作一辆装饰着“袖扣和名表”的普通车。
I'd been a cufflink wearer for a long time and grew tired of seeing a lack of innovation in the sector, says media entrepreneur Anthony Hayward. There's constant innovation in watches, for instance, yet none in cufflinks. 我戴袖扣已经有很长时间了,对于这个领域缺乏创新已经厌倦了,媒体企业家安东尼•海沃德(AnthonyHayward)表示,例如,钟表业就一直在创新,但在袖扣界没有。
She gave him a pair of gold cufflinks for his graduation. 她给他一对黄金袖扣他毕业。
Instead, they were there to sell gold and other precious items in the form of unwanted earrings, bracelets, cufflinks, coins, charms and rings. 他们来到这里是为了卖掉金饰和其它贵重物品例如不想要的耳环、手镯、袖扣、钱币、护身符和戒指。
For his part, tailor-designer Richard James prefers the precision sculpting of one-piece cufflinks because the way a cuff-link fastens has to be an aesthetic consideration too. 对定制设计师理查德•詹姆斯(RichardJames)而言,他更喜欢精确铸造的整体袖扣,因为袖扣的系结方式也必须经过美学考虑。
Decoration is what cufflinks are all about, so they should look as good from the back as the front. 装饰是袖扣的唯一作用,因此它们从后面看应该跟从前面看一样美。
If you are shopping for a man, consider getting him some beautiful designer cufflinks. 如果你是购物的人,让他考虑一些漂亮的设计师袖扣。
With his well-tailored suits, shiny cufflinks, wise reading-glasses and elegant ties, he looks a thousand miles from a rough house warlord. 裁减得体的衣着,闪闪发亮的袖扣,温文尔雅的眼镜,端庄典雅的领带,他怎么看也不像是一个穷凶极恶的暴徒。
Unbeknownst to the patrons, the wine waiter is adjusting the dryness of the wines using the magic cufflinks. 瞒着顾客,葡萄酒侍者是调整使用的魔力袖扣葡萄酒干燥。
Nobody even noticed my cufflinks. 竟然没人注意我的袖口。
I was dishing out gold cufflinks. 我大量分赠金质袖链扣。
I like to buy imported accessories like cufflinks. 我喜欢买像链扣之类进口的配件。