All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports 不用说,所有这些都是从电台报道中采集来的二手材料。
Laura was passing around photographs she'd culled from the albums at home. 劳拉正在分发她从家里相册中挑选出的相片。
Most of those were culled during job cuts throughout the recession. 这类人在经济衰退期间大多都被炒了鱿鱼。
Use the xargs tool as a filter for making good use of output culled from the find command. 使用xargs工具作为筛选器,以充分利用从find命令挑选的输出。
Mashups hint at the promise of synthesized data information culled and collated from many sources into a greater whole and many have achieved critical and popular success. Mashup预示着合成数据(从多个来源挑选并整合在一起的信息)的前景,许多案例都取得了关键和广泛的成功。
To make matters worse, they culled through the entire cabinet of applications from my year and decided to revoke admission for 73% of my classmates. 更糟糕的是,他们还筛选了我申请入学那一年整个柜子的申请材料,决定撤销我73%的同学的入学资格。
The data is culled from a number of official reports. 这些数据是从许多官方报告中精选出来的。
Here is my own list of "great books," culled from more than twenty years of reading. 这里是我自己列出的关于“伟大书籍”的推荐书单,是从我超过二十年的阅读经历中甄选出来的。
Deer are culled by hunters. 猎人把鹿杀掉了一批。
Time Warner Cable, for example, intends to create an auction system for advertising spots, matching subscriber data culled from set-top boxes with information about what subscribers prefer to watch. 例如,时代华纳有线电视(TimeWarnerCable)打算创建一个插播广告拍卖系统,将从机顶盒采集的订户数据与订户喜欢观看的节目信息相匹配。
The cowboy culled out the sick cow from the group. 牛仔将病牛从牛群中剔除。
Like flowers that bloom to be culled by you. 像开着的花朵让你采撷。
Now it looks as if their editors, too, have been culled. 现在看来,这两家报纸的编辑好像也被剔除掉了。
Rating information no longer has to be maintained on one site ( which can lead to charges of undue influence) but can be culled from multiple locations. 排名信息不再需要由一个站点来维护(这会导致向不当影响收费),而是可以由多个位置收集得出。
Six people died in that outbreak and all chickens in the territory were culled. 当时,造成了6人死亡,香港所有的活鸡因此被宰杀。
Might one day be culled by the wraith. 在某一天会被幽灵抓去。
Two hundred million birds have been killed directly by the virus or culled as the first line of defence to contain outbreaks and reduce the possibility of transmission to humans. 两亿只禽鸟已由该病毒直接造成死亡或作为第一线防御被扑杀,以便遏制疫情和减少向人传播的可能性。
Up to100,000 Irish pigs to be culled because of dioxin scare. 多达100000爱尔兰猪被剔除因为二恶英恐慌。
Without fear of being culled by the wraith. 不用再担心会被幽灵抓去。
Also, compensation for farmers whose flocks are culled is essential for reliable notification of outbreaks. 此外,赔偿那些禽群遭扑杀的养殖者对于获得可靠的暴发通报非常重要。
There is not much evidence of original research and every indication that he has selectively culled newspaper clippings and brokerage reports to back his premise. 书中几乎看不到任何独创的研究,而是有各种迹象表明,他有选择地挑选剪报和经纪公司报告,来支持自己的主张。
It has already culled its dealership network. 该公司已裁减了经销商网络。
Information culled from various reference books. 从各种参考书中摘出的资料。
Tens of thousands of dogs have been culled since the eradication campaign began in August. 自8月打狗运动以来,数万只狗被根除。
Those photos too were culled out of the public record. 有关照片在公布的记录中也被抹去了。
Trust not too much to colour, beauteous boy; white privets fall, dark hyacinths are culled. 美丽的少年啊,别过分依赖你的姿色:白色的女贞花飘落满地,黑色的风信子才被人们采得。
It was my fault they were culled. 他们遭到洗劫都是我的错。
Sick animals were immediately quarantined and soon culled. 病畜迅速得到检疫并立刻被扑杀。
The function is called during the culling process just before rendering all culled objects. 这个函数在消隐过程中调用,在渲染所有被消隐的物体之前被调用。
The following is culled from my search engine optimization theme, and I hope you like. 以下是我精选出来的搜索引擎优化主题,希望你们喜欢。