The fact that his behaviour was simply the most egregious example of a culpability shared by many other bankers is neither here nor there. 古德温的行为只是其他许多银行家同样难辞其咎的最极端例子,这一事实并不重要。
This discussion raised issues from the very serious, such as the culpability of Dumbledore in sending Harry back to an abusive household, to a fun look at what lessons Rita Skeeter can teach journalists. 这个讨论引起了从很严肃的争议像邓不利多将哈利送回口出恶言的家的过失,到很轻松的注意像丽塔史矶能教新闻学的课。
One of the criminal law's most important tasks is sorting out degrees of culpability. 刑事法律的最重要的任务之一,是区分该受惩处的罪行的程度。
For the constitution of a crime, there should be only two essential elements: the subjective culpability and the objective harm. 犯罪构成的结构要件应当只有两个,即作为主观要件的主观罪过和作为客观要件的客观危害。
The great difficulty lies in attempting to draw a distinction between individual culpability, when you should let an institution go bust, and the risk of systemic failure that might have desperately serious consequences. 当应该让一家机构倒闭时,试图把个人过失和可能导致极严重后果的系统性失效清楚地区分开来是十分困难的。
Public risks recently have moved the legal system to relax doctrines, e.g., those relating to standards of causation and culpability, burdens of proof, and sharing of liability, that were designed to deal with the private risks. 公共风险近来已把法律制度转变成宽松的原则。例如,那些有直接关系的应受处罚。取证责任、责任分担等有关的准则,都是为处理个人风险而设计的。
Those will give tasty fruits and you will think more of you without useless culpability. 那些将会给你带来美味的水果,会给你更多的思想,让你觉得自己有一些无需考虑的罪责。
To put it another way, a fair solution will reflect the G8's historical culpability, but an effective solution will require action from developing countries, especially India and China. 换言之,一个公平的解决方案将反映G8的历史责任,但又不失为一个有效的解决方案,要求发展中国家采取行动,尤其是印度和中国。
They led me to believe they were convinced of his culpability. 他们让我相信我他们认为他有罪。
Facts and Values: A Dual Perspective of Culpability Evaluation& Defects in the Traditional Culpability Theory and Probability of Anticipation Theory 事实与价值:罪过评价的二元视角&论传统罪过理论的缺陷与期待可能性理论
Captivity of itself is not a condition of culpability. 被俘本身不是应受惩罚的行为。
On the basis of victims fault influencing conviction and sentencing, scholars in the West counties proposed two theories, the shared responsibility doctrine and the offenders culpability mitigated. 被害人过错影响定罪量刑的根据,西方有责任分担说和谴责性降低说两种学说。
Pluralism is a double-edged sword, which you could either give credit of innovation of out-dated conventions to or blame for its culpability of breaking cultural order and resulting in cultural and spiritual crisis. 它是一把双刃剑,你可以把扫荡陈规陋习、推陈出新的功劳归于它,也可以把瓦解文化秋序、涣散人心、造成文化精神危机的罪责加诸于它。
On The Culpability Form Of Crime Of Financial Fraud 论金融诈骗罪的罪过形式&以目的犯基本理论为思考路径
Social Culpability and the Reconstitution of the Normative Theory of Culpability: Reflections on the Fate of the Theory of Reasonable Expectation 罪责的社会化与规范责任论的重构&期待可能性理论命运之反思
Views on the culpability of schools in the economic meltdown range from one extreme to another, as do the prescriptions for how to win back the trust of business and students. 有关商学院对此次经济衰退负有责任的观点从一个极端到另一个极端,商学院为了重获企业和学员信任而开出的药方也是如此。
After the accident, the company refused to accept culpability. 事故发生后,公司拒绝承担其应负的责任。
If you done it not, a culpability diffuses high risk to paralyse you more! 如果你没有做到,罪恶感将会扩散到更高的领域,让你感觉更加有气无力!
The degrees of culpability vary as do the incidents themselves. But is there a common underlying cause? 这些事故本身各不相同,过失程度也各有轻重,但在这些事故背后,是否隐含了一个共同的原因?
Traditional tort law is the ethical morality theory that is core with fault, this theory emphasizes the culpability sex of behavior fault. 传统侵权法是以过错为核心的伦理道德理论,该理论强调行为过错的可责性。
Culpability for the terrible state of the economy clearly lies with the government. 很显然,经济状况恶化的罪责在于政府。
But the economics profession bears more than a little culpability. 但经济学界承担的不只是一点点罪责。
There are questions to answer about their culpability. A few products from that period do look inherently flawed. 那个时期的一些产品从本质上来看确实是有问题的。
The sensitive subject of the vet's culpability. 兽医该负有责任这一敏感的问题。
The culpability form of abuse of authority has been the dispute focus in the circle of criminal law. 滥用职权罪的罪过形式一直是刑法理论界争论的焦点,但到目前为止尚没有一种学说取得通说地位。
The culpability of the crime committed by a unit should include intent and negligence, also supervisory negligence. 单位犯罪的罪过,应当包括故意和过失,也应当包括监督过失;
Secondly, it is determined by the development process of the culpability and the quality of criminal purpose. 其次,这是由罪过形成过程及单位犯罪的目的性所决定的;
Finally, our national criminal law only accepts the culpability of unit crime only includes intention. 最后,我国刑法也只承认单位犯罪的罪过形式为故意。
It is Contended by majority of scholars that the culpability of unit crime should include intention and negligence. 单位犯罪的罪过形式应包括故意和过失,这在刑法学界居于通说地位。
Principle of culpability on guardians is relative fault presumption rule. 我国监护人责任的归责原则为相对的过错推定原则。