Obviously both rootstock and cultivar will have a pronounced bearing on tree size at maturity. 很明显,砧木或栽培品种都能对成龄植株的树形大小发生深刻的影响。
Ratio of the cultivar with round leaf decreased whereas cultivars with narrow leaf increased. 叶形表现为圆叶品种比例下降,尖叶品种逐渐增加;
Effects of high-yielding rice cultivar and cultivation pattern on methane emission from paddy field 高产水稻品种及种植方式对稻田甲烷排放的影响
To study the Anthracnose disease resistance of different varieties of grape cultivar, 28 Grape cultivar, 7 wild species of V. 采用田间自然鉴定的方法,研究分析了湿热地区28个葡萄栽培品种、7个毛葡萄野生株系对黑痘病的抗性差异。
Comparative Study on Pollen Morphology of Peony Cultivar Groups 牡丹栽培品种群花粉形态的比较研究
For a given wheat cultivar, grown under similar climatic and soil conditions, the baking volume correlates with the protein content of the flour. 对于一给定的小麦培育品种,在类似的气候和土壤环境下生长,其焙烤后的体积与面粉的蛋白质含量有一定的关系。
It was discussed about how to develop and cultivate cultivar with highly yield and good grain quality in Yunnan Japonica rice region. 并讨论了在云南高原粳稻区选育及栽培高产优质粳稻品种的途径。
Comparison Test of Tomato Cultivar in Open Field 番茄不同品种露地栽培比较试验研究
Effect of wheat cultivar mixtures on wheat yield and stripe rust 不同品种混种对小麦产量及条锈病的影响
The experiment of top grafting technique for replacing cultivar was conducted in drought apple orchards of loss plateau. 在黄土高原旱地进行了苹果高接换种技术试验。
Research on Alteration Rule about Rice Physiological and Yield Traits during Cultivar Replacement in Liaoning 辽宁省水稻品种更替过程中生理与产量性状的演替规律研究
Changes of Main Agronomic Traits with Cultivar Replacement of Wheat in Jiangsu Province, China 江苏省小麦品种更替过程中主要农艺性状的演变
Research on induction and regeneration of immature embryos of japonica rice cultivar "Chao 2-10" at different culture temperatures 粳稻品系超2-10幼胚在不同温度下的诱导和再生研究
The conservation of plant germplasm resources has extremely vital significance for the biology biodiversity conservation and plant breeding of the new cultivar. 植物种质资源的保存对于生物多样性保护和新品种选育均具有十分重要的意义。
Karyotype Analysis of Three Wild Eggplants and One Eggplant Cultivar 3种野生茄和1个栽培茄的核型分析
Effects of fertilizer and planting density on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of super-high-yielding soybean cultivar 不同肥力和密度处理对超高产大豆品种的光合特性和产量的影响
The Diospyros used as fruit tree was discussed in aspect of economic value, the origins, history of culture, cultivar resources, cultivar development, traits heredity, and cultivar breeding. 以作为果树栽培的柿属植物为对象,对其经济价值、起源、栽培历史、品种资源、品种演化、性状遗传和品种选育等方面的研究现状和进展进行了较为详细的阐述。
Genetic Study on Disease Resistance for Rice Cultivar of Dan 209 Released from Anther Culture 水稻花培品种单209抗病性的遗传学分析
Analysis of Genetic Structure Differentiation of Released Soybean Cultivar Population and Specificity of Subpopulations in China 中国大豆育成品种群体遗传结构分化和亚群特异性分析
Effect of Different Secondary Shoot Treatments on the Production and Fruit Quality of Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Cultivar 不同副梢处理对赤霞珠葡萄生长和结果的影响
Cultivar development may come to rely more upon the non-institutional peach breeders. 品种发展也许最终将更多地依靠非专业的桃育种工作者。
Effects of Different Plum Cultivar Pollen on Setting Percentage of Plum and Apricot 不同李品种花粉对杏李坐果率的影响
Analysis of Chemical Component of Yunnan Main Cultivar Flue-cured Tobacco 云南烤烟主要栽培品种化学成分比较分析
Results showed that the growth and photosynthesis in every stock cultivar were restrained to different extent under NaCl stress. 结果表明,盐胁迫条件下,各砧木品种生长和光合作用均受到不同程度抑制。
Effects of High Temperature Stress on Pollen Vitality and Seed Setting of Rice Cultivar during Heading Stage 抽穗期高温胁迫对水稻花粉活力与结实率的影响
Golden Delicious is a very fruitful cultivar. 金冠是一个非常丰产的品种。
Evaluation and Screening of Resistance to Barnyardgrass in Germplasm of Wild Rice ( Oryza sativa) and African Cultivar 野生稻和非洲栽培稻抗稗草种质资源筛选和评价
The character of date tree cultivar at present has different deficiency, and degeneration is serious. 现有枣树栽培品种性状各有不足,而且退化现象严重。
The amino acid content and composition of7 kinds of leaf-vegetable sweet potato cultivar were analyzed. 选用7个叶菜型甘薯品种,测定分析了茎尖中氨基酸含量及组成。
Genetic Diversity within Cultivar Population and among Different Cultivars of Common Buckwheat 甜荞品种内与品种间的遗传多样性研究